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Adult Stem Cells Help Repair Heart Muscle After Heart Attack!

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Adult Stem Cells for Heart Attack Patients

Today, Tammy Henderson is riding her bicycle on the road, but less than 2 years ago, Tammy was on the road to a heart transplant after suffering a major heart attack back in 2001. Things changed after Tammy received Vescell stem cell treatment using her own Adult Stem Cells in Thailand in April 2008 to help heal her heart muscle.

From the stem cell article:

My doctor fully believes this is working,” said Henderson. “My echo showed at least a 5 percent improvement in ejection fraction — how well the heart pumps — and my heart shrunk by 3 mm, which is terrific. Usually, the heart enlarges as it gets worse.”

“My oxygen level went up three points. I have been feeling really great, and I'm back to bike riding and walking,” she added.

Her Sister Thrilled With Stem Cell Treatment for Heart Muscle

Tammy went to Vescell stem cell therapy and her sister Kelly Moyer is happy she did:

the improvements “are exactly what we hoped for,"

“In April, her family and I walked the Kensington Park path — 8.5 miles — that includes many hills, I was very impressed with her strength,” Moyer said. “A couple of years ago I would have never thought that kind of experience would be possible. Her heart is getting smaller and pumping better, clear medical signs of improvement. I couldn't be more pleased.”

Adult Stem Cells Helped Her Sinuses Too

While her heart has shown signs of healing, Henderson said she has been cured of chronic sinusitis. She use to spend $25 month for Zyrtec, but stop taking it in April 2008.

“I have not had a sinus infection since then,” she said. “I think the stem cells took care of it. That's a major extra plus.”

California Dreaming in Michigan

Moyer hopes that some day the stem cell therapy will be available in the United States. Her sister said there's a possibility it could be done at Henry Ford within a year.

“I pray that this treatment will be available in the U.S. as soon as possible,” Moyer said. “For someone sick to have to travel around the world for treatment is just absurd, especially living in the U.S. We live in the best country in the world, it doesn't seem right.”

I couldn't have said it better myself.
Posted: 7/17/2009 11:49:06 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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