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Stem Cell Therapy Used to Heal Cartilage

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Bristol University again.  They were part of the team that made the new windpipe from stem cells.  They were also in the news this week for making a "living" band-aid using the patient's own Repair Stem Cells. The "living" band-aid can be used to heal tears to the meniscal cartilage- a common sporting injury.

Many are men and women in their twenties and thirties and the tears are frequently the result of twisting the leg during jogging, football, rugby, horse riding or skiing.

The footballers Martin Petrov, a winger for Manchester City, and John Kennedy, the Celtic and Scotland player, have reportedly got the injury.

At the moment attempts to sew together ripped meniscal cartilage are often unsuccessful and can result in players spending a long time off the pitch undergoing rehabilitation.

Many sportsmen opt to have the tissue removed. Removal of the loose cartilage allows the athletes to recover but it leaves bones in the knees exposed and osteoarthritis may develop.

Scientists at Bristol University have now managed to heal cartilage tissue in a laboratory with stem cells taken from a patient's own bone marrow. They used the cells to coat a sponge-like scaffold, made from collagen (a fibrous protein) and placed it inside the tear in the cartilage. The stem cells pulled the two pieces of torn cartilage together.

“The stem cells knit across the two sides of the lesion and cause a reuniting of the two sides. We hope that in the patient we can reunite the cartilage in a strong enough way to heal the wound completely.

Bristol University- you did it again.  I have to take off my hat to this University in the United Kingdom that has been responsible for two big Adult Stem Cell discoveries just this week!

Here is the new cartilage story
Posted: 11/21/2008 2:47:44 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cartilage, Osteoarthritis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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