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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Cerebral Palsy Improved From Stem Cell Research

A young boy with Cerebral Palsy has improved his quality of life after receiving adult stem cells from his own cord blood in a special stem cell research trial at Duke University.  Dylan Cain, age 4, an Oregon native, went to Duke in late May 2009 for the stem cell treatment.  Since then, his parents have been ecstatic about the changes in Dylan.  

Cord Blood Stem Cells Improve Quality of Life

Dylan's life has changed for the better in multiple ways since the stem cell therapy from his own cord blood stem cells.  From the stem cell article:

The Cains say they have seen considerable improvement in Dylan's speech, cognitive skills, vision and leg movement.

"He used to drag his right leg," Jinger said. "Now he can actually stand on it and is moving it when he walks."

A few months ago, Dylan needed help standing up. Now he lifts himself upright, needing help only for balancing.

"These are the largest gains he's made at any time in his life," Mark said. "Usually we see progress in very tiny steps over many months. These are like giant steps."

"His cognitive skills have definitely improved," Jinger said. "He now repeats nearly anything we ask him to say. That never happened before. It seems like his vision has improved as well."

He also has shown progress walking along a physical therapy bench that has been fitted with bars he can grab to help support his weight.

Lucky to Qualify for Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Trial

Dylan and his family were very lucky in that they qualified for the stem cell research trial for cerebral palsy at Duke.  To qualify for this trial, you must have stored your child's cord blood stem cells at birth and your child must have cerebral palsy- oh yes, you must also have approximately $19,000 dollars to pay for the treatment / trial too. 

Therefore, if your child has cerebral palsy and you didn't store your child's umbilical cord blood at birth, the only option is to take your child overseas for stem cell treatment- and this is increasingly becoming a popular option for parents of children with cerebral palsy. 

Experimental in USA Does Not Mean Free - Same As Overseas

I always find it ironic and hypocritical that the stem cell "experts" complain about how stem cell companies charge money for "unproven" stem cell treatments abroad, yet when there is a stem cell trial (by definition- UNPROVEN) in the United States, the patients are still charged a high price for the therapy.  For example, experimental stem cell treatments at Northwestern can cost up to $200,000.


Stem Cell Success Stories - Cerebral Palsy

Dylan is not the only boy/girl with cerebral palsy who has improved after receiving adult stem cells.  In fact, if you search this blog and click on "cerebral palsy" you will see plenty of stem cell success stories in which patients with cerebral palsy have gone abroad for stem cell treatment and have improved their quality of life. 
For example, Harvey Telford with cerebral palsy or Caleb Turner, children for whom adult stem cell therapy was not available in their homeland and thus had to travel long terms for a safe, ethical treatment.

Posted: 9/13/2009 12:12:24 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Cord Blood Stem Cells Help Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patient

A young boy from Wisconsin with Spinal Muscular Atrophy keeps improving his quality of life after receiving cord blood stem cells at a treatment center in China.  Kyle Knopes from Janesville, Wisconsin says the stem cell therapy has worked like a miracle since returning from China recently.  

Adult Stem Cells Give Teen With SMA Hope

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a disease that affects approximately 25,000 Americans.  It results in progressive muscle loss and weakness.  Diagnosed with SMA as an infant, Kyle has never walked.  However, since the adult stem cells were given to him, he now has hope. 

I Get Tears In My Eyes

Even Kyle's personal aid/therapist is impressed:

From the stem cell article-

"He's just been a miracle, I get tears in my eyes," says Shirley Zirbel.

As she works with him, she comments on how high he can now lift his arms, and how he can open his hands.

She has also noticed an increase in his energy.

Quality of Life Improves From Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy

And more importantly Kyle is happy with his improvements in his quality of life since the adult stem cells from umbilical cord blood was implanted:

Kyle says, "After my 1st injection, I rolled from my back to my right side, which I hadn't done since I was 6 years old."

According to Kyle, the injections, along with the intense physical therapy he received while in China have helped a great deal.

"Mainly upper body strength, both my arms, head and neck control," says Kyle.

It's also obvious when Kyle picks up a pen.

Writing has become much easier.

He says, "I can write longer without getting fatigued and my writing doesn't get worse as I go on."

Was The Long Journey for Stem Cells Worth It?

Despite any possible risks involved, Kyle says the trip was well worth it.

He says, "The worst that we were assuming is that I would come back the same, and that was okay. But obviously with our improvements, very glad we went."

We previously had a stem cell story about Kyle in July, just after he returned from China and his stem cell treatment.

Other Boy With Spinal Muscular Atrophy Can Walk After Same Treatment

Also, Brandon Meinke, another boy from Janesville, Wisconsin with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, went to China for therapy before Kyle and was able to walk after the cord blood stem cells were implanted after he previously had only been able to crawl.



Posted: 9/9/2009 5:14:25 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Helps Improve Texas Boy'S Brain Injury

The family of a young boy from Texas is reporting major improvements in the child's development after stem cell research using adult stem cells from cord blood were implanted at a stem cell treatment center in China to treat his traumatic brain injury. 

According to his mother, Davis O'Brien is making tremendous progress since the stem cell therapy in February 2009. 

Before The Stem Cell Treatment for his Brain Injury:

  • 30 + Seizures per day
  • Almost Completely Blind
  • Couldn't Sit Up On His Own
  • Difficulty Eating

After The Adult Stem Cells Were Implanted:

  • Seizures cut in half- about 15 per day
  • His sight is improving
  • Can sit up for 20 seconds on his own
  • Now can eat soft foods and has 3 pureed meals per day
Davis spent 38 days in China receiving 8 different stem cell treatments to improve his brain injury which he suffered in a seizure, 3 days after receiving his one-year vaccinations.

Even the doctors were impressed

From the stem cell article

Mrs. O'Brien also said Davis' doctors have given the family positive remarks about Davis' condition.

"They are amazed at the difference," she said.

Davis' physical therapist is also amazed at the results of the Stem Cells.

Kelly Hidalgo, co-owner of In Harmony Pediatric Therapy, said she's seen a difference in Davis' condition since returning from China.

She said he's now able to roll over by himself, eat from a spoon and hold onto toys for a longer period of time.

"He's making great strides," she said, adding Davis is "a joy" to work with.

Also worth noting from the article:

Three years ago, she said, doctors informed her and her husband that Davis will only "lie in a bean bag chair for the rest of his life."

It was something she and her husband would not accept.

The O'Brien's are planning another trip to China early next year and are trying to raise money so that Davis will hopefully improve even more.  They have a website- http://www..davisgoestochina.com to help them reach that goal.

Good for them.  It is too bad this treatment using adult stem cells isn't available in the United States, otherwise the O'Brien's wouldn't have to travel to China for a safe, ethical treatment.  Unfortunately, the O'Brien's aren't given an option if they want their son to improve. 

Nobody is touting adult stem cells as a "cure."  Stem cell therapy is never a cure.  However, these improvements in the quality of life of Davis and hundreds of other patients who have gone abroad are the direct result of adult stem cell therapy.  Just the fact that he went from 30 seizures a day to 15 probably makes the stem cell treatment worthwhile to the O'Brien's.  Here is a similar stem cell success story in which a boy with cerebral palsy received adult stem cells and had similar improvements to Davis. 

I wish them well and commend them on their bravery in taking Davis to China for stem cell treatment

Posted: 9/6/2009 2:04:40 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Autism Improved After Stem Cell Therapy

A Maine boy with Autism is already seeing improvements after having to travel abroad for stem cell therapy using adult stem cells.  Kenneth Kelley, age 9  of Glenburn, Maine went to Costa Rica 6 weeks ago and has seen his quality of life get better in that short time span thanks to the stem cell treatment.

Adult Stem Cells From Cord Blood

While in Costa Rica, Kenneth had adult stem cells derived from cord blood implanted.  The doctors told Kenneth's parents that improvements usually take 2-6 months, but already after 6 weeks, the parents can see the different the stem cell treatment has made.

From the stem cell article:

"Immediately when we were in Costa Rica, he just started talking a lot more. His vocabulary is probably 20 percent more conversation. He started going up to strangers and talking to them."

The Kelley family had to go to Costa Rica for the procedure because it's not done in the United States.

Marty is happy they made the trip.

"We know this is going to work for him. And we are 100 percent confident we'll be going back to Costa Rica in January. This is what he needs and because done so well in hyperbaric oxygen chamber, we know this is going to be good for us."

Following in the footsteps of Stem Cell Pioneers

Kenneth followed in the footsteps of Matthew Faiella, a young boy with autism approximately the same age as Kenneth who also along with his loving parents, traveled to Costa Rica for the stem cell research using adult stem cells.  

Unanswered Letter To Obama

We also have another story about Lauren Dicorcia, a 10 year old girl with autism, who also improved tremendously after receiving adult stem cells abroad.  Lauren's mother Judy, wrote a letter to Obama asking why isn't a safe ethical treatment like adult stem cell therapy available in the United States.  I don't think Obama has answered her yet as adult stem cells still aren't available to Americans thus forcing families to go out of the country to seek out improvements in their quality of life.   

Embryonic Stem Cell Research- Over Hyped, Giving Us Nothing But Tumors and Cysts

While the accomplishments of adult stem cells keep piling up, Americans and the FDA are still obsessed with embryonic stem cell research which makes for nice press releases and hype, but hasn't delivered anything other than tumors and cysts. 

Also of note:
Kenneth's parents keep a Autism Blog
And Matthew Faiella and his loving parents keep a fantastic stem cell autism blog too.
Posted: 9/5/2009 12:37:52 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Multiple Sclerosis Helped by Adult Stem Cells

Any person who reads this blog regularly will know the name of Richard Humphries.  Richard was the first to go to Costa Rica for stem cell treatment using adult stem cells for his secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.  For Richard, the pain of his multiple sclerosis was so bad that he prayed to God to die everyday rather than continue suffering from the excruciating pain.  However, he thinks God had better things in store for him-  adult stem cell therapy.  It is a good thing Richard asked God for help rather than the US FDA, otherwise, he would still be in pain.

2 Stem Cell Treatments - More Benefits

Richard first went for stem cell therapy in May 2008 to Costa Rica.  Approximately one year later, he went again for a second treatment using adult stem cells taken from his own fat as well as cord blood stem cells.

Richard Humphries Speaks About His Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

From Richard:

"I had a lot of pain from my left shoulder to my left hand, and I had episodes of tonic spasms, when I'd be on the floor for a couple of minutes ... a few every month," he said, noting the pain continued to increase so much that he was taking "five-to-seven Vicodin a day" just to help him cope. 

"As a nursing home administrator, I've never seen therapy like that," Humphries said of the clinic. "Their compassion is second-to-none."

Dr. Tom Ichem of San Diego, a scientist who has met Humphries through his position as the CEO of Medistem, a San Diego research company that works with new technologies related to adult stem cell treatment for diseases like MS, said stem cells from umbilical cords and from Humphries' own fat were used in his treatment.

"It's an amazing recovery," Ichem said. "I was with him in (Washington) D.C. and spent three days with him, and I was, honestly, bona fide flabbergasted. It's one thing to read about recoveries like this, but to see it first hand -- I hate to say 'miracle,' but it was absolutely something very, very stunning. Usually when we develop new treatments, we see results with some impact, but I've never seen this kind of stunning impact. It literally shocked me."

You can read the rest of this amazing stem cell article here and after reading it, you can ask yourself why Richard and Preston Walker and dozens of others who have followed in their footsteps have to leave the USA for a safe, ethical treatment, that can improve their quality of life. 

It is really a shame that this adult stem cell treatment isn't available in the United States.  

Posted: 9/2/2009 11:57:06 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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