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About three years ago, Eddie Floyd, owner of a pet center in Austin, Texas, felt a severe pain in his chest and rushed to a hospital to find that he had had a heart attack. Afterwards, doctors asked him to participate in a trial that involved adult stem cells being injected into his heart. He got lucky and qualified!
"They (the stem cells) did not cause any kind of rejection, so I didn't have to have any rejection-preventive medicine or anything like that," he explained "They were just generic stem cells that became heart."
Doctors say that within days after a heart attack, damaged cells are sending a signal for help. Millions of stem cells injected into the system respond to those signals, "and it has apparently regenerated the muscle that died during my heart attack," Floyd notes.

He further reports that he has been able to resume normal activity. "There really isn't anything that I can't do because of my heart, that I'm aware of. [But] there are a few things I can't do because of my belly...," the pet store owner joked.

In this study, adult stem cells are harvested from adults between the ages of 18 and 30 and are processed to remove elements that cause rejection. 

Adult stem cells are successfully treating more than 70 diseases and conditions, while embryonic stem-cell research has produced zero results. Proof? There have been over 1300 ASC clinical trials registered (from around the world) by the USA National Institutes of Health. The USA itself has over 50 on heart disease alone.
Embryonics? As I never get tired of saying. ZERO—NADA---ZILCH—RIEN---NICHTS---NICHEVO. It is a hoax that never will go to trial in your lifetime because just one cancer death would kill the embryonic hoax forever.
5/19/2010 10:47:20 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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All you have to do is meet Kyle Loh to realize he's a pretty normal kid, except he is on a mission.
"I like dance music a lot," this 16-year-old said as he listened to Lady Gaga on his MacBook Pro.
But elsewhere on his computer is his most recent paper entitled "Chemical Inhibitors of TGF-beta Signaling and Other Molecules Replace Sox-2 in the Pluripotent Reprogramming of Differentiated Human and Marine Cells."
Or, as he explained it in English: "How skin cells can turn into stem cells."
So, yes, Kyle is very smart.
He had to be to to have gone straight from Eighth grade (when he was 13) in Mendham to college (okay, he cheated a little; he spent part of his last year in middle school at the County College of Morris), and then to graduate from Rutgers University in only two and a half years.
Should we mention that while he was 14 and 15, he spent a total of two summers and one semester studying and researching at Harvard's Stem Cell Institute?
His passion is the promise of healing that stem cells can bring to people with various diseases or spinal injuries -- a field he was able to pursue at the UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School which partners with Rutgers.
Kyle's emphasis right now, in light of the ethical debate over using embryonic stem cells for research, is to find a way to turn skin cells into usable stem cells. See above: "Chemical Inhibitors of TGF-beta... " well, you get the idea. But he says he mixes well with all ages, and doesn't feel socially isolated. For example, he likes "The Office" on TV. But when he was asked if he has ever seen Snooki on the "Jersey Shore" program that's all the rage with many young adults, he responded "I think that's way before my time."
We took that as a 'No.'
"He's mature for his age," said his Mom, Doreen Loh, 50, a senior data analyst at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. And while she was concerned about him missing the social life of high school, she said he reassured her by saying, "I'm sorry Mom, I cannot be a cookie cutter son."
What's next for this 16 year old whiz kid?
For starters, he does have a driver's permit.
But this summer he will be studying and researching at the Genome Institute of Singapore, so it seems unlikely he'll get much driving experience there.
This fall, he will pursue his Ph.D. at Stanford and within four years or so hopes to land a research position.
By then he should be 20, or 21 at the outside.
5/17/2010 12:33:22 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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I am not Catholic. I am dead-neutral on the embryonic debate. I believe the embryonic “moral” issue was trumped up by Big Medicine to keep our eyes on the hopeless debate instead of on the fact that embryonic stem cells cannot ever work. Their goal is to use any means possible to keep Repair Stem Cells, the only stem cells that have ever worked and ever will work, from reducing their profits.
The medical system most of the developed world is forced to live with:
- Profits are the only thing that matters
- No cures of any chronic disease are allowed, since cures kill profits.
- Patients are lab rats, created to buy test drugs which are now approved on fictional data from fictional clinical trials.
So it is with gratitude I commend the Vatican for last week’s announcement that the church is not only supporting the stem cells that work, but is financing research. Nothing says it better than this piece by Flavia Colgan in the Huffington Post:
The Pope and the art of Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (Extract from The Huffington Post)
I have written about mixed-media artist Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell recently and am doing so again as he is consistently ahead of his time. As a pioneer in the world of art, Corbell is constantly attacking issues that are both personal and political no matter how big or small.
I recently acquired a piece by Corbell on loan titled "The Pope" which shows Pope John Paul II donning a huge stem-cell halo. As we are aware, the Vatican has just contributed $3 million to fund a research initiative working to find a new way to develop multi-purpose stems cells -- without using embryonic cells. We are seeing a progressive and compassionate Church that is also ahead of their time.
We see a Church not only embracing technology and discovery, but advancing it. Together, art and religion are pushing the political and societal envelope. Church that is also ahead of their time. We see a Church not only embracing technology and discovery, but advancing it. Together, art and religion are pushing the political and societal envelope.
4/26/2010 11:35:52 AM by
Don Margolis | with
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On April 18, 2010, CBS Sixty Minutes condemned to death millions of people with an outrageous program detailing one fraudulent “doctor” who used stem cells to cheat desperate patients. They knew absolutely that their expose’ would paint a hundred honest stem cell doctors with the same dirty brush.
Why did they search the world to find one juicy fraud and ignore hundreds of good, honest doctors? Answer: They knew that would prevent the average American from complaining about being deprived of stem cells which work, stem cells which would reduce the profits of the billionaires who have turned the USA into a medical prison, where profits come first and patients come last.
Don Margolis knew the answer to this question in 2007, when he wrote:
The $100 Billion Scam
How the absurd stem cell debate in America is destroying human life by the hundreds everyday, while enriching the powerful, whose motto is: “We shall lie and you must die, but we shall profit greatly.”
Here is the preface to Don’s book, which names the names of the money-hungry scientists, universities, politicians, and doctors who lie about stem cells every day at the behest of the billionaires who control medicine and will never allow stem cells to reduce their profits of TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS PER HOUR. Read this preface and you will understand why CBS Sixty Minutes had no choice but to pull off this propaganda coup. It was easy---show one fraud and then glide over to the conclusion that ALL stem cell doctors are fraudulent. Sixty Minutes’ bosses are proud---they kept stem cells away from America for decades with just one shameful hours.
Read More Here.
4/20/2010 10:15:22 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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Dear Don Margolis,
I just saw a TV hit-piece attacking unscrupulous adult stem cells con artists.
The program was on CBS 60-Minutes in a segment titled, 21st Century Snake Oil.
This CBS hit piece is a defender of the medical establishment because it tarnishes
both good and bad with the same brush. There was no fair acknowledgement of
the great successes in adult stem work. Can you expose what and who is behind
this CBS documentary?
Gerald Vind
In 2003, Big Medicine, composed of multi-billion dollar
Drug Companies
Medical Device Companies
Health Insurance Companies
making over $10,000,000 an hour bottom-line profits, had created three ironclad rules of American Medicine:
1— Profits are ALL that matters.
2- No cures of ANY chronic disease allowed in the lab or in the clinic, for only sick patients are profitable.
3- Patients are lab rats who are to be sold toxic drugs which are approved on the basis of clinical trial fiction; after a few hundred die they may pull a drug back. Same goes for poisonous devices such as stents, mammary tests, and the well known PSA test fraud which kills seven patients for every six it saves while making profits for drug companies, urologists, surgeons who perform the prostectomies, hospitals, HMOs and insurance companies.
In 2003, Big Medicine recognized two truths:
A—Embryonic stem cell (ESC) science is really science-fiction and won’t treat a human being this century. (1)
B—Adult Stem Cells (ASC) were a real threat to those profits.
Effective 1/1/2004, the Big Lie, once perfected by Hitler’s DOCTOR Goebbels, came to America—in spades!
*ESC became the religion of the American Medical Mafia—“the future of medicine,” “ESC can become any type of cell we wish,” “If George Bush wasn’t president, Christopher Reeve would be walking now!” Whatever was true about ASC became “true” about ESC. Anyone who said otherwise would be whacked out and could never get a medical job, even as a lab janitor. Tony Soprano never had it so easy.
*ASC became “snake oil” so as to make sure the public wouldn’t mind the fact that Big Medicine’s #1 subsidiary, the US Government, would keep the biggest threat to profits away from the most profitable country in the world—a country which pays 50% more to its Medical Mafia than other developed countries and is ranked 19th in a field of 19 developed countries in “Death by Medicine.” (2)
It was easy to bribe most medical scientists to join the phony new “medical society,” ISSCI, created by Big Medicine. Its ONLY purpose is to keep ASC away from profits by pretending they haven’t been proven, despite thousands and thousands of “untreatable” patients having had their lives improved. Con men scientists insisting ASC go through the billion dollar approval process insures it will never happen. What more proof do you need than the fact that America, despite being six years behind the envelope, is spending hundreds of millions on ASC clinical trials and not a dime on even one ESC trial? Who knows, by 2025 we may be treating 5% of those dying heart patients with ASC.
Millions of dying heart patients matter not a whit---they are lab rats created to buy a billion dollars worth of pills every month which can never bring them back to a near normal. Diabetes is even more profitable—now at 26,000,000 and spending about a billion a week on pills which cannot do anything but shift symptoms around while keeping them suffering and alive to buy more.
No matter that American Medicine kills one human being every minute of every day in the 21st century (3), profits are there and will stay there since all three branches of the government are 100% owned by big corporations, Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Armaments, and Big Medicine. Are you too young to realize that only a quarter-century ago there were such things as Anti-Trust laws to protect the ordinary citizen from the inevitable excesses of big business? Well, with 535 congressmen owned by Big Business along with the White House and the Supreme Court, there are no more laws. In this century, in every case which reached the Supreme Court, Big Business won over the little guy who got in the way of profits and got trampled.
Big Medicine owns the government and every major city newspaper and every TV network, either by the same billionaires who control our corrupt medical system owning all the media, or by holding billions of dollars of advertising revenue over their heads like a Damocles sword. You perhaps can remember the Al Pacino and Russell Crowe movie showing how Big Tobacco got Sixty Minutes to cave in the 1990s.(4) Big Medicine makes Big Tobacco look like a Mom & Pop store by comparison. Sixty Minutes had to cave or go out of business.
(4) Ironic that a Pacino video is on the same Sixty Minutes website today!
4/19/2010 1:51:55 AM by
Don Margolis | with
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As we tell you every chance we get, virtually everything you hear about stem cells in America is a lie---especially the nonsense about the science fiction known as “embryonic stem cells.” However, those USA researchers who are using the only stem cells that work, Adult Stem Cells, also exaggerate regularly about their “new” “groundbreaking” discoveries.
Bioheart is a Florida company, one which we have long admired for its efforts to bring stem cells to the thousands of heart patients who could live longer and better lives rather than suffer with the obsolete, toxic medicines their doctors are forced to use.
Notice in this article about a new clinical trial in Jordan, how CEO Karl Groth carefully explains, without exaggeration, the potential benefits of his truly groundbreaking product. But then read this statement from the doctor in Jordan who is running the trial. His statement wasn’t even true five years ago!
“He said that until now heart muscle damage was considered irreversible and permanent.”
That is something we hear from USA promoters all the time. The super hype bologna is now in the middle-east!
VesCell (Thailand, Israel, Dominican Rep) has treated 500 patients, starting 1/1/05, with autologous stem cells, while the Johann Strauss Institute in Frankfurt has done about that many---all OUTSIDE clinical trials, for patients who once had no options and no hope. 90%+ of VesCell’s patients would not qualify for any trial. Indeed, over half of them could not even qualify for a transplant!
So, Dr. Imad, we are sorry you are five years behind the times, as most Americans are. We wish you the best in your upcoming trial.
For the complete article:
4/13/2010 12:17:42 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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Right now there are millions of individuals whose lives are directly dependent on the rate at which new drugs come to market. I'm one of them. I'm fighting for my life.
To date, half of my intestine has been removed to manage Crohn's disease. Last year, at age 23, I enrolled in a clinical trial for a treatment that could save my life: an adult stem-cell therapy that helps damaged intestinal tissue regenerate from the relentless inflammation and scarring caused by Crohn's.
The sponsor, Osiris Therapeutics, reported that Crohn's patients in the therapy's Phase II trial all experienced clinical improvement after receiving the cells. A Phase III trial for the treatment is now nearing completion, but Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval could be years away, despite its FDA "fast track" designation.
In accordance with antiquated FDA policies, the Phase III trial is randomized with three groups of patients, and double-blinded, which means neither the doctors nor patients are told what treatment is being administered. One group received full-strength stem cells, another received half-strength, and a third got a placebo (the proverbial "sugar pill"). It appears I got the placebo.
Foregoing all other treatments, I received the four scheduled infusions, and yet my disease progressed with a vengeance. In a matter of weeks, I became dangerously malnourished. I've since been readmitted to the hospital countless times, as my doctors continue to plead with Osiris for information. But Osiris has refused, citing adherence to FDA protocol.
I am now a lab rat. I have no right to know what happened to me in the study, nor do I have a right to try the promising treatment as my health deteriorates. It doesn't have to be this way.
To which I RESPOND:
Sorry, young man, we are all lab rats for the billionaires who profit from this “pills only” medical system. There isn’t a clinical trial for any drug approved THIS CENTURY that is honest. They just make up the data, get approval from the FDA, which they own, and wait for the deaths of us lab rats to decide whether or not stopping the deaths is worth losing their profits. At one time 25 or so years ago, big corporations worried about lawsuits, but since they now control what used to be a legal system, lawsuits are not a problem—they own that system too.
Don’t believe it? Five years after the Vioxx criminally fraudulent clinical trials killed over 50,000, guess how many widows actually got a lawsuit filed? Sorry, wrong number. It was 18. Simple. Just change the rules with a congress you own and all the giants have to do is delay, delay, delay. Of course the fully controlled Supreme Court hasn’t ruled against a big corporation THIS CENTURY.
So, dear Vioxx widow, your choice is simple—settle for the $10,000 we value your late husband’s life at, or your grandchildren will accept the $5000 we offer them in 2034.
4/13/2010 11:49:29 AM by
Don Margolis | with
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Release date: 4/3/2010
California has shifted from embryonic to adult stem cell research...New York State should follow.
LETTER: Follow California's lead
Published: Saturday, April 03, 2010
Dear Editor:
In a report in the New York State Right to Life newsletter, an article states that California has shifted from embryonic to adult stem cell research.
In 2004 that state’s government passed the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative (Proposition 71). It gave $3 billion for research to find medical use for stem cells harvested from human embryos killed by the procedure.
The institute’s work over those five years bore no fruit. Now the institute is diverting funds from embryonic to adult stem cell research. Already dozens of treatments and some cures have been produced for illnesses from spinal cord injuries to Alzheimer’s and Type 1 diabetes.
The article also quotes Kathleen Gilbert, writer for
“Although scientists and pro-life advocates have denounced the dead-end science of embryo research for years, the political and ethical furor surrounding embryonic research appears to have obscured the undeniable superiority of adult stem cells’ track record. Not only have adult stem cells already produced dozens of treatments, but embryonic stem cells have been proven prone to multiply out of control, causing tumors and are less easily cultivated into specific types of tissue than their adult counterparts.”
New York State should follow. If not a matter of mercy for unborn children, at least fiscal responsibility and concern for directing taxpayers’ money into something that actually works should force New York to discontinue spending on random stem cell research and save millions by not following through with the Empire State Stem Cell Board plan to pay women for eggs to be used for lethal research.
Please contact Sens. Schumer and Clinton and Rep. Hinchey with this information and urge them to stop wasting your hard-earned money on research that the evidence proves doesn’t work.
4/3/2010 1:23:43 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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SANDI's TRIUMPH OVER Multiple Sclerosis + Hearing Disorders (Tinnitus)
Weekly update - March 26, 2010
The ongoing saga of Sandi's story of perseverance and triumph over Multiple Sclerosis in her own words:
"little improvements - i was able to buy new tenny-shoes. most all shoes made have a rubber tread running up the toe of the shoe. this is REALLY bad for my walking 'cuz that's what makes me fall alot of the time - well, no longer = silly i know, but finally i can have new tenny-runners:) my new shoes with a super tread on the sole has shown me how i am incorrectly walking. when walkng on the treadmill - i guess i kinda shuffle my feet 'cuz with the new shoes i make a lot of squishch squishch sound - so now i hafta practice walking by really picking my feet up. (u know it woulda been so much easier if i could have found a pt to tell me what i was doing wrong rather than discovering it myself)
the other morning after i had finished my oversized huge mug of tea and was getting ready to go to lunch - i realized i hadn't made a bathroom break since before i left to go to work. it was a really pleasant suprise.......fairly normal during my afternoon shifts - but never my morning ones.
i was able to stand on one leg for about 20 seconds. that was monumental in my world. hopefully i will be able to do it on the other leg, too.......and whenever i want to w/o thinking about it."
For a refresher on Sandi's condition and where it all started:
In January 09’ Sandi had lived half of her life with Multiple Sclerosis, had inconclusive data on another significant medical issue and had conducted her own research to find stem cell treatment for herself. Sandi did a very admirable research job and in the end, she chose a fine treatment center (prior to her ever contacting me). While I mentioned that she might end up at a different treatment center that specializes in both her MS and the other condition she “might” have…I was happy to simply provide her with information on studies and trials she might need and be a friend during her journey towards treatment.
Unfortunately, over the next 6 months Sandi’s treatment was canceled and rescheduled a number of times due to her additional (inconclusive) medical issue. The emotional roller-coaster ride took a huge toll on Sandy and while she advocated for herself and battled valiantly…she was ultimately rejected from her chosen treatment center and her hopes of ever finding a treatment center to treat her were severely diminished.
By the time Sandi turned to me and RSCI to help find her a new treatment center; rejection, despair and uncertainty had already crushed her normally optimistic attitude. Working together with me and RSCI, Sandi finally found the assistance she was looking for and was subsequently treated at one of RSCI’s recommended treatment centers. Sandi’s journey is an amazing story of determination, victory over seemingly insurmountable obstacles and one from which I know I learned as much from her as she did from me and RSCI. Here is a quick recent message from Sandi (in her own words) that details merely ONE of the many symptoms of MS that has been positively affected by her treatment:
“I've never really discussed or admitted to the tinnitus I have had in both ears forever....just a nuisance nothing too troubling. It usually just showed up when going to sleep when everything was super quiet. Last night while falling asleep I noticed that there was NO ringing in my right ear at all!!!! Way cool :) I also find that there is an energy that hasn't been there for 26yrs - everyone really noticed at work this afternoon :) I took pics - I will send them when I have time. As always = THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!” Sandi - Jan, 2010
3/26/2010 6:53:37 AM by
Don Margolis | with
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Friday, 19 March 2010
Windpipe transplant success in UK child
This is the third such transplant to be done, and the first in a child
A 10-year-old British boy has become the first child to undergo a windpipe transplant with an organ crafted from his own stem cells.
It is hoped that using the boy's own tissue in the nine-hour operation at Great Ormond Street Hospital will cut the risk of rejection. The world's first tissue-engineered windpipe transplant was done in Spain in 2008 but with a shorter graft. Doctors say the boy is doing well and breathing normally.
He has a rare condition called Long Segment Congenital Tracheal Stenosis, in which patients are born with an extremely narrow airway.
At birth his airway was just one millimetre across.
Doctors had previously operated to expand his airway but in November last year he suffered complications from erosion of a metal stent in his windpipe or trachea.
In order to build him a new airway, doctors took a donor trachea, stripped it down to the collagen scaffolding, and then injected stem cells taken from his bone marrow.The organ was then implanted in the boy and over the next month, doctors expect the stem cells to transform into specialised cells which form the inside and outside of the trachea.
Two years ago, Claudia Castillo, a 30-year-old mother of two, became the first person to receive a transplant organ created from stem cells. She received a new section of trachea after her own had been damaged by tuberculosis. The latest operation is a significant advance on that pioneering work, as it is the first time a whole tissue engineered windpipe has been transplanted.
 |
Carley Bowman, mother of a son with the same condition
"I cannot tell you what hope this gives us as a family. My three-year-old son has Long Segment Congenital Tracheal Stenosis. He had surgery to widen his windpipe a year ago.
Our son has had a relatively straight-forward recovery, but we live with the constant fear that his condition may deteriorate.
Should he suffer complications in the future, there are a range of procedures already at his surgeon's disposal.
These are designed to improve quality of life. But should the worst happen and our son's condition become life-threatening once again, knowing there is now the possibility of a tracheal transplant is a very liberating feeling."
Also in Ms Castillo's case, doctors grew the new tissue from her stem cells in the laboratory. But in the UK operation, the donor windpipe was treated with a cocktail of chemicals designed to prompt the stem cells to grow into new tissue once inside the body.
Professor Martin Birchall, head of translational regenerative medicine at University College London, who was part of the team behind the operation, said it was a "real milestone". "It is the first time a child has received stem cell organ treatment, and it's the longest airway that has ever been replaced. "I think the technique will allow not just highly specialised hospitals to carry out stem cell organ transplants."
He said more clinical trials were needed to prove the technique worked but that the team was also thinking about transplanting other organs, such as the oesophagus. Professor Anthony Hollander, ARC professor of rheumatology and tissue engineering at the University of Bristol, said: "The advantage of the new approach is that it can be performed quickly and cheaply and so if successful it could be made available to large numbers of patients at relatively low cost."
But he said the technique was more unpredictable than that done in the laboratory because there is less control of the type of stem cells being used and a very short time between seeding the cells onto the scaffold and implantation. Stem cell pioneer Professor Paolo Macchiarini, from Careggi University Hospital in Florence was involved in both the Spanish and UK transplants.
He had also carried out the stem cell procedure on a 53-year-old Italian woman.
3/21/2010 6:34:32 PM by
Don Margolis | with