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Stem Cells For Muscular Dystrophy Treatment Has Arrived

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Results In Muscular Dystrophy Treatment

In the latest victory for stem cell research, patients with Muscular Dystrophy have shown improvements after being implanted with adult stem cells.  Very recently, it was widely believed that Muscular Dystrophy or MD was even beyond the reach of stem cell therapy.  However, the good folks at ICM and MediStem led by Dr. Thomas Ichim and Dr. Neil Riordan are now changing the landscape of medicine as we know it.  They are proving once again that one should never say never in regards to the power of the adult stem cell.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Helped By Adult Stem Cells

Ryan Benton, 23 years old, was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy when he was very young.  Most people with Duchenne MD don't live past their 20's.  The disease had ravaged Ryan's muscles and had severely weakened him.  Luckily, Ryan's parents had grown up with Dr. Neil Riordan in Wichita and had a connection.  With nothing to lose and everything to gain, they traveled to Costa Rica where Dr. Riordan has set up his institute (and now in Panama too).

Dystrophen Levels Increase From Stem Cell Therapy

Ryan was the first MD patient to be treated  at the clinic.  His therapy consisted of him being injected with adult stem cells from donated umbilical cord blood.  No embryonic or placental stem cells were used! The doctors injected the cord blood stem cells into muscles all over his body- in 46 different places to be exact.  The results?  Incredible.

Before the Stem Cells:
  1. Ryan's Dystrophen levels were between 0-5.  This is "normal" for a Muscular Dystrophy patient, but normally a person's dystrophen level should be between 50-100.
  2. Lack of balance and endurance
  3. Muscles had wasted away
After The Treatment:
  1. Ryan's Dystrophen levels are normal-- NORMAL for a person without Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy or MD!
  2. Ryan's balance has improved and he doesn't get tired as easily.  He says he feels healthier.
  3. Ryan has gained 30 lbs of muscle back
From the stem cell news article:

Dr. Riordan says he had already seen people with multiple sclerosis and spinal chord injuries drastically improve with his adult stem cell treatments but now--he sees great hope for MD patients has well.a

Since Ryan, three more MD patients have been treated at Dr. Riordan's clinic. They also report that they are seeing improvements. Dr. Riordan says he has not charged them or their families a dime because he says it is all about advancing the science to find a cure.

Stem Cell Pioneers

Bravo to Ryan and Dr. Riordan as they are true stem cell pioneers, each in their own unique way.  Ryan, for not giving up and being the first Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patient to go to Costa Rica for the treatment and Dr. Riordan, for constantly coming up with new ideas and innovations in the stem cell research forum of medicine.


It really is a shame that Ryan and Dr. Riordan have to go to Costa Rica to probably save Ryan's life. If there was no clinic in Costa Rica, Ryan would have no hope and no possible stem cell treatment and then almost surely death. Shame on Dr. Irving Weissman and his cronies at the ISSCR who would have given Ryan no hope and no treatment if it was up to them.

Treatment Information

If you are interested in this stem cell treatment for Muscular Dystrophy (MD) or perhaps for another disease or condition, please email me at don@repairstemcells.org and put TREATMENT in the subject line and we will assist you.   
Posted: 11/12/2009 3:13:40 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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