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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Treatment for Hawaii Woman With MS

Karen Pace, a woman from Hawaii is now in Panama at the Stem Cell Institute to receive treatment for her Multiple Sclerosis (MS).   Karen, suffering from MS for the last 10 years wrote us and wanted to share her stem cell experience with everyone. 

Stem Cell Experience Blog

She is in Panama now for the treatment at the Stem Cell Institute and she is keeping a very detailed blog of her experience there for her Multiple Sclerosis.  You can see one of her stem cell posts here in which she has great pictures of how they implant the adult stem cells to treat her MS. 
Stem Cell Research and MS Patient Karen Pace Receives Stem Cell Injection

Medistem with Dr. Thomas Ichim and Dr. Neil Riordan

The Stem Cell Institute is a stem cell treatment center in Panama that uses only adult stem cells and run by the good folks of Medistem.   We touched on the stem cell research company Medistem briefly when I visited with Dr. Thomas Ichim, a professor at University of California San Diego (UCSD) and the CEO of Medistem.  Dr. Neil Riordan also plays a key role and runs the Medistem operations in Costa Rica and Panama.

Karen's MS Blog Documents Her Experience

In Karen's MS blog on her experience in Panama,  she highlights her highs and lows and through it all keeps a very positive attitude.  Karen is following in the footsteps of other multiple sclerosis patients who have found success with Medistem in Costa Rica and Panama.  Patients like Richard Humphries and Holly Huber who have now both received two stem cell therapies each in Central America. 

Here is what Karen said just before her stem cell experience in Panama began :

In the blink of an eye I will be heading south toward a land of hope and with the prayers and good wishes of many for a possible recovery that I thought impossible when this journey began. My vision of the future is tempered by the unknown but brightened by what I have learned. "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Hsa4:6

Please join me in wishing Karen the best of health as her stem cell therapy in Panama is coming to a close. She will be returning to Hawaii shortly and hopefully the adult stem cells will work their magic on her.  Karen, please write me again and let us know how you are doing.  Once again, Karen's Quest for a Cure for her MS blog is http://www.questforcure.blogspot.com

If you are interested in this stem cell research for MS in Panama or you are interested in stem cell therapy for another disease or condition, please write me an email at don@repairstemcells.org and put TREATMENT in the subject line.
I will assist you in finding treatment using only adult stem cells and NOT embryonic stem cells.
Posted: 10/10/2009 10:03:13 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Helps Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patient

A Florida girl with Spinal Muscular Atrophy has already improved after having cord blood stem cells implanted in China in yet another breakthrough for research that is helping people daily. 

Quality of Life Improvements After 1 month of Therapy

Sierra Factor, age 8,  spent a month in China where she received adult stem cell treatment for her spinal muscular atrophy.  Just a few days after returning, Sierra has already seen improvements in her quality of life.

Before and After Tests Show Adult Stem Cells Helped

Before the stem cell therapy, Sierra was tested on her range of motion, appetite and head and neck control. Then,  after the 34 days of multiple treatments in China, Sierra had improved in EVERY area!  

From the stem cell success story:

Sierra's grandmother, Tonya Witt, said she watched Sierra's improvements as they chatted over a webcam every day."Her neck control was the biggest thing I noticed," Witt said. "And I saw her pick her left foot off the bed. It was really amazing."
"It was overwhelming for all of us," said Sierra's father. "But just to see her improve was worth everything."

Tony Shalhoub (Monk) Sees A Trend Developing

Sierra and her family followed in the footsteps of Kyle Knopes (see stem cell video), the Wisconsin teen who also had spinal muscular atrophy and saw "miracle" improvements after the stem cell research and treatment in China. 

Kyle followed in the footsteps of another Wisconsin boy with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Brandon Meinke who unsurprisingly improved as well after receiving the adult stem cells from umbilical cord blood in China. 

Hey FDA!   You recognize a pattern here?  You don't have to be Monk (Tony Shalhoub) to figure this out.  Adult Stem Cells are giving these patients a better quality of life with very little risk.  Why do they have to go to China for this treatment that would change their lives?  Make it available in the US!   

If you are interested in this treatment for spinal muscular atrophy or adult stem cell therapy for another disease or condition, please send me an email at don@repairstemcells.org and I will try to assist you. 
Posted: 10/8/2009 4:56:51 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Florida Man With SCI Improved From Stem Cells

A Florida man who has a spinal cord injury (SCI) is benefiting from stem cell research that uses adult stem cells exclusively.  David Aldrich is singing the praises of stem cell therapy in China that has helped improved his quality of life.

His Doctors Recommended He Go To China? Amazing!

Aldrich was paralyzed in a diving accident which also left him 100% blind.  In a miracle of sorts, his local US doctors actually SUGGESTED he travel to China where they were doing the research and treatment using cord blood stem cells that would change his life.

After 3 Weeks- Could See Again!

While in China, Aldrich's could see again after the third week of the therapy.  From the stem cell news article:

"While I was there, the third week, things started to come more into view," Aldrich said. "I started being able to read things." Aldrich said his breathing, speech and limb control all improved. National Geographic also followed his progress in a documentary called "Supercell."

Aldrich encouraged the use of stem cell therapies in the country. "There are so many people who suffer with diseases and spinal cord injuries that could be helped with stem cells," he said.

Aldrich has made two trips to China, and he said his vision is even better. In addition, he can now lean forward, whereas before the therapy he could only shrug his shoulders. He can also move his arms and legs and wiggle his toes.

He said he can enjoy many activities that he used to take for granted. "Being able to take my dog out for a walk everyday is the best part of my life," he said.

A Founding Father Of The Stem Cell Awareness Association

David is also one of the founders of the Stem Cell Awareness Association, an organization that is pushing to have adult stem cell therapy available in the United States as well as help sick patients seek adult stem cells outside the US. 

Stem Cell Video - Spinal Cord Injury

Here is a stem cell video of David just after his 2nd stem cell treatment.

David Returns to China for Treatment from Stem Cells China on Vimeo.

Posted: 10/6/2009 5:42:46 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Xcell Announces Stem Cell Research Results for Autism

A stem cell center in Germany has released its research results on patients treated with their own stem cells for autism.  The Xcell Center in Germany has treated its first 10 autism patients with successful results using the patient's own adult stem cells.

Behavior Improvements in Children With Autism

Xcell says in their stem cell news press release-  "Patients reported improvements in cognition, behavior, language, socialization, coordination, motor skills and awareness. These results support the premise that patients with Autism can be treated safely and effectively with autologous stem cell therapy."
"My son's behavior has improved; playing for an hour at a time, running, climbing, and exploring the playground as a normal, healthy child would," commented the mother of a 6 year-old boy who was treated at the XCell-Center in May 2009.

Better behavior was reported by every patient who experienced improvements following treatment.

Stem Cell THERAPY - "Quick And Not Invasive

In a letter written February 2009, "A letter to President Obama", Judy DiCorcia, the mother of 10 year-old Lauren, who was treated at the XCell-Center in January, described the strides her daughter made following stem cell therapy and expressed her desire to see similar procedures available in the United States. "Both procedures were quick and not invasive at all. In the past 6 weeks we have seen significant improvements in our daughter's behaviors, focus, hyperactivity, and insomnia," wrote Mrs. DiCorcia. In June 2009, she stated, "Lauren is doing well. I would have to say that she 'plateaued' at about the 12-week mark. Her situation is stable and fortunately all positive effects have persisted. I wish the doctor could fly to the US and perform the therapy here!"


Stem Cell Procedure

  1. The treatment begins by collecting a small amount bone marrow from the patient's hip via thin needle mini-puncture.
  2. The stem cells are separated from the bone marrow at the XCell-Center's EU certified cGMP laboratory, where they are counted and their vitality is confirmed.
  3. The last step consists of inserting a fine spinal needle between the patient's L4 and L5 vertebrae and injecting the stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid which flows into the brain.

How Much Is Stem Cell Treatment

The cost for Autism treatment is 9,000 Euros (approximately 13,130 US dollars). 

Looking For Treatment for Autism or Another Disease?

If you are interested in autism treatment at the Xcell Center or if you or a loved one has a different condition and are looking for ADULT stem cell treatment, please write me an email at don@repairstemcells.org and put TREATMENT in the subject line and I will try to assist you. 

Posted: 10/2/2009 10:43:49 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

From Mexico to New Zealand for Stem Cell Treatment

A family from New Zealand is taking their two children back to Mexico a second time for stem cell therapy after the first treatment helped both of the two kids. Ross and Bernadette Martin took their 4 year old grandson, Sam and their 2 year old adopted son, Liam,  to Mexico in February 2009 for adult stem cells that improved Sam's cerebral palsy and Liam's septo optic dysplasia

Before and After Results

Before the first stem cell treatment, Liam had to stay in the hospital for months at a time having to be fed by IV because of low sugar levels due to complication from his septo optic dysplasia.  He also had no vision.

Now, after the stem cells were implanted, Liam has only had to return to the hospital once and now has slight vision and can perceive light. 

As for Sam and his cerebral palsy, he improved as well from the therapy. Before the treatment and research, he was unable to walk. These days Sam is getting around using a walker and has developed some speech as well.

Trying To Raise Funds For Second Stem Cell Transplant

Now, this courageous family is trying to raise money to go back a second time for more adult stem cells at the stem cell clinic in Mexico.  "If we can't raise the money we'll look at selling our house because we think they have made such progress so far," Ross Martin said. "It's the boys' quality of life that we are really trying to improve, and we can't put a value on that."

No Risk From Adult Stem Cells

From the stem cell article:

Each vial of stem cells taken from donated umbilical cord blood costs US$5000 (NZ$7075) and is injected into the brain through a catheter inserted through the groin.

"There's virtually no risk in doing it, but the risk in not doing it is waking up at 65 and wondering if you had tried, would it have made a difference?" Bernadette Martin said.

Again, these are adult stem cells and in the hands of experienced professional doctors, this stem cell procedure and research is very safe.  The main risk is the money ie. either the stem cell procedure will help improve the quality of life of the patient or it simply will have no effect. This only goes for cord blood stem cells and autologous stem cells (stem cells from the patient)- this doesn't apply to embryonic stem cells or fetal stem cells.

We previously had stories from this stem cell treatment center in Mexico on two women with Multiple Sclerosis who came from New Jersey for the therapy.

If you or a family member are interested in this research and treatment in Mexico using adult stem cells, please write me at don@repairstemcells.org and put TREATMENT in the subject box and I will assist you.

Posted: 10/2/2009 1:14:51 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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