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Stem Cell Research Trial Helps Boy With Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral Palsy Improved From Stem Cell Research

A young boy with Cerebral Palsy has improved his quality of life after receiving adult stem cells from his own cord blood in a special stem cell research trial at Duke University.  Dylan Cain, age 4, an Oregon native, went to Duke in late May 2009 for the stem cell treatment.  Since then, his parents have been ecstatic about the changes in Dylan.  

Cord Blood Stem Cells Improve Quality of Life

Dylan's life has changed for the better in multiple ways since the stem cell therapy from his own cord blood stem cells.  From the stem cell article:

The Cains say they have seen considerable improvement in Dylan's speech, cognitive skills, vision and leg movement.

"He used to drag his right leg," Jinger said. "Now he can actually stand on it and is moving it when he walks."

A few months ago, Dylan needed help standing up. Now he lifts himself upright, needing help only for balancing.

"These are the largest gains he's made at any time in his life," Mark said. "Usually we see progress in very tiny steps over many months. These are like giant steps."

"His cognitive skills have definitely improved," Jinger said. "He now repeats nearly anything we ask him to say. That never happened before. It seems like his vision has improved as well."

He also has shown progress walking along a physical therapy bench that has been fitted with bars he can grab to help support his weight.

Lucky to Qualify for Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Trial

Dylan and his family were very lucky in that they qualified for the stem cell research trial for cerebral palsy at Duke.  To qualify for this trial, you must have stored your child's cord blood stem cells at birth and your child must have cerebral palsy- oh yes, you must also have approximately $19,000 dollars to pay for the treatment / trial too. 

Therefore, if your child has cerebral palsy and you didn't store your child's umbilical cord blood at birth, the only option is to take your child overseas for stem cell treatment- and this is increasingly becoming a popular option for parents of children with cerebral palsy. 

Experimental in USA Does Not Mean Free - Same As Overseas

I always find it ironic and hypocritical that the stem cell "experts" complain about how stem cell companies charge money for "unproven" stem cell treatments abroad, yet when there is a stem cell trial (by definition- UNPROVEN) in the United States, the patients are still charged a high price for the therapy.  For example, experimental stem cell treatments at Northwestern can cost up to $200,000.


Stem Cell Success Stories - Cerebral Palsy

Dylan is not the only boy/girl with cerebral palsy who has improved after receiving adult stem cells.  In fact, if you search this blog and click on "cerebral palsy" you will see plenty of stem cell success stories in which patients with cerebral palsy have gone abroad for stem cell treatment and have improved their quality of life. 
For example, Harvey Telford with cerebral palsy or Caleb Turner, children for whom adult stem cell therapy was not available in their homeland and thus had to travel long terms for a safe, ethical treatment.

Posted: 9/13/2009 12:12:24 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cerebral Palsy, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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