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Adult Stem Cells Rebuild Broken Jawbone

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Stem Cell Research Brings About Another Miracle

Korean doctors have apparently regrown a patient's jawbone using the patient's own Adult Stem Cells in yet another amazing miracle that Adult Stem Cell research has brought us.

An 18 year old Korean boy who had to have most of his jawbone and his teeth removed due to a tumor was the lucky recipient of this fantastic stem cell research victory.

The young man, who had been suffering confidence problems due to his appearance (missing his jawbone and teeth) is very happy now after the Adult Stem Cells worked their magic and regrew his jawbone so he looks normal in appearance now.

Process of Stem Cells

  1. Adult Stem Cells were taken from the man's bone marrow

  2. They were then multiplied and "coached" into becoming an osteoblast- a cell responsible for bone formation

  3. The new Adult Stem Cells were injected into the "damaged" area around the man's jaw

  4. 6 months-1 year the stem cells grow new bone to fill in the gap left when the jawbone and teeth were removed

  5. Man's looks better, has more confidence, happier

Stem Cell Case Study Presented at Conference

The results of the trial were published in the British medical journal BMC Medicine and it was also presented at the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons annual meeting (Those silly Maxillofacial surgeons must have forgotten my invitation)

Another Case of Adult Stem Cell Research Working Magic

This is just another instance in which the patient's own stem cells were used to help. The patient had nothing to lose (no side effects because they were his own stem cells), and everything to gain. And gain he did with this miracle.

This reminds me of an amazing story in Germany a few years back in which they actually used a man's back as an incubator and grew him a new jawbone

Click here to read the whole stem cell article
Posted: 4/14/2009 4:16:17 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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