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Stem Cell Research Now Helping Stroke Patients

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Stem Cell Research Paying Dividends to Stroke Patient

Thanks to advances in stem cell research, stroke patients can now be helped with their own Adult Stem Cells. Doctors at University of Texas Medical School in Houston treated a stroke patient for the very first time in the United States  using the patient's own stem cells.

Patient's Own Adult Stem Cells Used for Stroke

Roland Henrich was the first American (in the United States) to be treated with his own Adult stem cells. From the stem cell article:

A University of Texas Medical School at Houston team last week injected stem cells taken from bone marrow of the trial’s first patient (Roland), who arrived at Memorial Hermann Hospital’s emergency department too late to receive tissue plasminogen activator, the clot-busting drug proven to treat stroke if given promptly.

Doctors say Roland is doing well although it is too early to tell if it is because of the stem cell treatment.

Adult Stem Cells for Stroke- Available to the Masses in 2019

Note this date April 1, 2009-- if this treatment using his own stem cells is effective (and it should be) , it will take approximately 10 years before this stem cell treatment becomes available to the general population of the United States because of the FDA's stance that says your own Adult Stem Cells are drugs.

Because- Unfortunately, this is only a part of a  Phase I trial to demonstrate safety-  Savitz said it should take about a year to enroll its 10 patients, who must arrive at Memorial Hermann more than three hours after suffering a stroke but within three days.

This goes to my point about the FDA classifying your own Adult Stem Cells as drugs--

About 1 year to enroll all the patients, another year to follow up on the results, then probably another year before the FDA says "OK, you can do a Phase II trial which will take even longer than the first one--- and if that works out, ok, you can do a Phase III trial.  And then, when that is finally completed, the FDA  may then take their time before approving it as a treatment.   10 years from NOW.  Although the treatment is safe and no side effects because it is your own stem cells.

As I said before here in this post about US Doctors Challenging the FDA , just because it is in the trial phase does not mean it will be able to be used in the United States anytime soon.

Now, I am familiar with stem cell clinics all around the world that are having success using Adult Stem Cells to help stroke patients now.  But because of these ridiculous FDA rules-  Americans will have to wait 10 years for this treatment for stroke.  Think how many stroke victims will needlessly suffer during that time.

Other Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke Stories

This follows that "Stem Cell Tea Bag" that was used to treat (and help) a German stroke victim.

Posted: 4/1/2009 2:38:33 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Stroke, Therapy, Treatment

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