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Repair Stem Cell Institute in the News!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
My organization issued a press release today. I am quoted of course. Here is the teaser:

Aug. 26 -- The Repair Stem Cell Institute LLC (RSCI; http://www.RepairStemCells.org) reported today that Stanford University School of Medicine's recent discovery there may be limitations to the effectiveness of human therapies derived from embryonic stem cells (ESC) because the cells injected in mice stimulated the kind of immune rejection seen with transplanted organs clearly delivers a blow to proponents of embryonic stem cell research who continue to ballyhoo the promise of ESC when in effect, as the Stanford study showed, the transplanted stem cells were dead within about seven to 10 days.

Who knew you could fit so many words in just one sentence? Here's more:

According to Don Margolis (donmargolis@gmail.com; 214.556.6377), founder and chairman of the RSCI, "The new Stanford findings further confirm the futility of embryonics in human therapy despite what proponents of human ESC research have been promising, that transplanted ESC can mature into several different types of tissue. Those cells could not survive in the mouse, suggesting the same would likely occur in a patient." He noted a statement from Stanford radiologist Dr. Joseph Wu, part of the research team: "I think there's some promise [to human ESCs] but you don't want to be foolish and say these cells are going to cure things in the next five years."

Yes, you are all welcome to call or email me and I will be happy to respond.- DM

Click here to read the whole thing
Posted: 8/27/2008 10:07:27 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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