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Stem Cells Save Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Boy From Death!

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All the components of a perfect story here- we have a boy with a deadly disease, we have a community uniting together to save him, and it involves my favorite subject repair (adult) stem cell therapy.

Jack Close, 8, from Rowlands Gill, Gateshead, England, was suffering from Chronic Granulomatous Disorder- a disease that destroys the body's immune system. He needed a bone marrow transplant, but he didn't have a matching donor. Therefore, the whole community started a campaign to get people to register their bone marrow to find a match. It worked!! Within 1 month, they found a matching donor for Jack who donated his bone marrow. And that's not all, the repair stem cells in the donor's bone marrow did their job- Jack is now "living life to the full." I think it is supposed to be "living life to the fullest," but maybe that is an English thing. Nevermind, the important thing is Jack is saved! Read on-

The Chronicle first told of Jack's plight last September. He had been diagnosed with a rare blood condition called Chronic Granulomatous Disorder, which was wrecking his immune system.

It meant cells in his bone marrow could not fight off bacteria and Jack was susceptible to infection, which could potentially have led to his death. He needed a bone marrow transplant urgently.

The Chronicle launched the Give Jack a Chance campaign asking people in the North East to register as bone marrow donors. A perfect match was found a month later.

He went into Newcastle's General Hospital on February 15 for a course of chemotherapy and had the operation two weeks later.

Jack, of Rowlands Gill, Gateshead, is now living life to the full.

Click here for the whole story

Posted: 8/20/2008 10:54:23 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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