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Vision Improves After Adult Stem Cells Implanted For Blind Texas Teen

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Adult Stem Cells Help Improve Optic Nerve Hypoplasia

A young Texas boy with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia says his vision has improved already just one month after having Adult Stem Cells implanted in China.  Lawrence E Brown III and his parents went to China after being inspired by  young Colorado teen Macie Morse, a girl who also has optic nerve hypoplasia and who was able to see AND get her driver's permit after the stem cell treatment in China.

No Treatment for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Before Stem Cell Therapy

Optic Nerve Hypoplasia is a disease in which the optic nerve fails to develop leaving the patient with little to no vision.  Up until the adult stem cell therapy in China, there was no treatment for this disease.  In other words, the patient was unable to be helped at all for this condition.

Enter a stem cell treatment company in China, they came up with a protocol for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia using adult stem cells from cord blood and now these people can improve their vision.

Already Improvements in Vision, Hopefully More to Follow

It is still early, but already Lawrence is seeing improvements, from the stem cell article:

By July 1, Lawrence's eyes began to itch, which he interpreted as a hopeful sign since previous patients had the same response from the therapy. On July 9, the doctors in Qingdao told him that his vision had improved slightly. "Today, I was able to see a candy wrapper on the floor," reads one entry from his blog from China. Colors became more vivid, and he could see them farther away than he could previously. He said he could detect movement that he couldn't see before. He could see the white lines of crosswalks from his taxi, something he couldn't do before. He could distinguish red flowers as individuals, rather than one big mass of color.

A Brighter World For Her Son Lawrence "was well worth it"

And Lawrence's parents had something nice to say too:

We are now taking our 7,000 mile journey back home. Lawrence is so happy with the sight he has received from God. Just having a “brighter world” for my son was well worth it. I would do this and more all over again for my children. I know that the man above has much more sight in store for Lawrence in these next 9-12 months.

Lawrence is the latest optic nerve hypoplasia patient to be helped by stem cell therapy from adult stem cells. Before Lawrence, we have featured:

Hayley Pelletier- Hayley's mother says after the stem cell treatment-  "“It’s been incredible,” Pelletier said. “Basically, her whole quality of life was just bumped up 110 percent. She’s so much happier.”

Before that there was Jakob Bielski from Canada

We added Dakota Clarke , her mom said “It’s been worth every single penny to see the changes in her.”

A few weeks before that, we added Macie Morse who can now see well enough to drive after her stem cell therapy.

And before that Coby Fend’s mother said ““We are talking about going back — we’d almost be crazy not to, because right now it’s the best thing going in the entire world.”

And we also had Connor Corkern - He’s doing great. He is doing wonderful. It’s like we’ve got a totally new baby, Coye Corkern said

We had Cameron Petersen - Grandma Petersen said “There was nothing for Cameron before this treatment. Now, his world is limitless.”

Lydia Black- From her father - “the treatment is already having a huge effect on her life, and he is glad that she was able to receive stem cell treatment in China.

Lydia Olmstead and Rylea Barlett - “After her second treatment, we started to notice a change,”

Savannah Watring - “She said hello to herself in an elevator (after seeing her reflection). It blew everyone away. We weren’t expecting that.”

Xavier Carballo- Xavier’s ophthalmologist, Dr. Jack Guggino of Tampa, said he did a baseline exam on the boy before the trip to China and after his return. He said before the treatment Xavier could only detect hand motion at 1 to 2 feet, and after the treatment he could count fingers at 3 to 4 feet.

As far as Xavier is concerned, there has been definite and measurable improvement, neurologically and ophthalmologically,” Guggino said.

Stem Cell Treatment Information

For more stem cell treatment  information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment”  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 8/7/2009 10:15:44 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Optic, Optic Nerve, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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