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Adult Stem Cell Research- Now Helping Dogs with Stem Cell Treatment

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In this blog, we have well documented the effects that Adult Stem Cells (or Repair Stem Cells as I call them) have on dogs.  We have seen plenty of stories of stem cell therapy helping dogs.  Now we have yet another dog helped by using his own Repair Stem Cells.

KC, a golden retriever was getting up in age- 11 years old.  He was beginning to slow down.  In his owner, Krista Moyes words, "He was having a hard time getting up in the morning and really wasn't walking at all on his back leg.

Krista took KC to the vet who said surgery wasn't an option, it was typical for a dog KC's age to start slowing down with arthritis and decreased range of motion in the legs- for KC it was the right leg.

The Vet, Dr. Lillian Rizzo suggested a new stem cell procedure.  This stem cell therapy was developed by Vet-Stem, a stem cell company for horses, dogs, and cats that uses the animal's own stem cells.

Dr. Rizzo then removed some fat tissue from KC, and sent it off to Vet-Stem where they isolate stem cells from the fat tissue and then send it back already packed in syringes and ready to go.

Then Dr. Rizzo simply injected the stem cells into the site of the injury and let the Repair Stem Cells do what they do best-- REPAIR

I'll let Dr. Rizzo have her say:

She explains, “I concentrate the stem cells at the site of injury and then the stem cells have mediated inflammation and repair. The injury to the joint cartilage and that's really the only thing that can do that. The medications can help with pain and support to the joint cartilage but the stem cells actually rebuild the damaged joint cartilage.

Dr. Rizzo says they are several benefits to this therapy. It is minimally invasive and pain medications may not be needed long term and you have a happier animal.

And the results???

I'll let KC's owner, Krista handle this one:

“Two weeks after the surgery I looked at him one day and he was standing on his foot instead of just his toe, Moyes says. “I really noticed an attitude change as far as his energy level he felt better so he was wrestling, carrying on and playing.

Moyes says she is just glad she got her old friend back. “If it was going to help him just a little bit I was willing to do it.

This is wonderful news and I'm very happy for Krista and KC.  However, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could make the same thing available for humans-  Repair Stem Cells- simple procedure, very little downside and it can help improve the quality of millions of lives.  If we had the will, this could be done now.

Here is the full article on Krista and KC
Posted: 12/5/2008 11:23:36 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cartilage, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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