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Adult Stem Cell Treatments (2) Cure Child with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)

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Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML) is a deadly disease that affects only 3 children in 1 million. There is no cure. There is a cure and since you are reading this blog, you probably deduced that the cure involves Adult Stem Cells (or as we call them- REPAIR Stem Cells since that is what stem cells do- repair).

When Adolfo Gonzalez, who at the time was a 1 year old baby, was diagnosed with JMML, the doctor who diagnosed Adolfo told his father that his son was going to die "with or without treatment."

However, Adolfo's father didn't accept that! He thought there must be a way to help his young son. He found a doctor- Dr. Gary Kleiner who enrolled little Adolfo in a trial in which Adult Stem Cells taken from cord blood were implanted into little Adolfo:

"The stem cells from the cord blood started to grow in his own bone marrow and his white count started to increase back to normal, "said Dr. Kleiner.

The new blood created by the stem cells replaced all of Adolfo's blood and eliminated the leukemia cells in his body.

The battle wasn't over. The Leukemia was now gone, but the new stem cells weren't a perfect match and thus began attacking little Adolfo- Graft Vs Host Disease. What can they do about that? Get Adolfo enrolled in yet another trial and give him more Adult Stem Cells! The article doesn't say, but since it was a trial for Graft Vs Host Disease, I'm fairly certain it was Osiris and their Prochymal "Adult Stem Cells for Anything" product.

It worked!-

Today there is no evidence of cancer in his body.

Adolfo may not remember the tough first years of his live, but that's okay by his dad.

"He's going to be a great little boy. He's going to be just a normal little kid," said Gonzalez

Click here to see the article and video
Posted: 12/11/2008 5:39:43 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cancer, Leukemia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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