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Stem Cell Therapy Works For Brain Injury - Now Firefighter Needs More

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Today, I bring you a heart felt letter from the mother of a volunteer fireman named Kevin Daniels who suffered a terrible accident in the line of duty that has left him a quadriplegic with limited mobility.  The doctors advised the parents of Kevin to terminate his life at the time, but his parents said "Not a chance, Kevin is a fighter!"

Kevin made it through that time and then later his parents did some Adult Stem Cell research and found a place in Mexico that would implant Kevin with cord blood stem cells which as we all know are ADULT STEM CELLS (Repair Stem Cells)!    They went for it- and it worked!!!

On September 25, 2006 we went to Mexico and had the umbilical cord blood stem cell transplant. Since the procedure has been done, we have seen 33 improvements, some being significant. His speech is better. His medicine for spasticity in his extremities has been reduced to where he is only getting 20% of what he was getting. That is a 80% reduction. He now has slight movement in all 5 fingers on his left hand, which he didn't have before. We knew if the first trip was successful we would need to return every six months until no more improvements are seen. It is wonderful that after 3 years we can still see improvements because of this treatment.**

Kevin wants more Adult Stem Cells for even more improvement and needs donations which go through the fire department so they are tax deductible. Let's see if the Don Margolis blog and its followers can help with this goal- Here is the rest of the letter:

We are now trying to raise the funds to go back. The South Boston Fire Dept. is accepting donations. I'm reaching out to others outside of this area for help. I've never reached out to others for help since Kevin's accident, but the importance of Kevin continuing to receive the stem cell therapy means too much to him for me not to reach out and ask.**

I want to push the government and the medical field to research this avenue of treatment for others (She means using Adult Stem Cells- Don). I don't want this just to help my son, but for it to help others as well. This means that Kevin needs to continue this process to prove the success of this procedure.**

If you would like to send a donation or know of others that would like to help, please send the donation to:

Kevin Daniels Stem Cell Fund*
South Boston Fire Dept.*
403 Broad Street*
South Boston, VA 24592 *

You can contact Chief Steve Phillips with any questions at 434-575-4292. The fire dept. is receiving and administering the funds and all donations are tax deductible.**

Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Please help us to make this a reality. Thank you so much from my family.**

May God bless you and keep you is my prayer.**

Pat Daniels *
1106 Daniels Trail *
Halifax, VA 24558 *
434-575-1740 *
e-mail: patdaniels52@yahoo.com *

This was from Kurt Kamm's website
Posted: 12/1/2008 1:56:03 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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