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Stem Cell Transplant You Can Save A Life

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Since this is the holiday season, we are all in the spirit of giving.  What can be a better gift to give than  to give somebody life?  That is what we all can possibly do if we become a bone marrow donor.

Most often it is Leukemia and Lymphoma patients who are in need of a stem cell bone marrow transplant to save their life.  Take for example the case of  Joel Carter :

Carter, 56, said he would not have lived to see his grandson's birth on April 5 this year if it were not for a far-away donor who gave him a second chance at life through a blood stem cell transplant. The gift also spared his parents from losing a second son; Carter's brother died of a brain tumor in 1975 at age 28.

He learned he had acute myleogenus leukemia after struggling to recover from a bronchial infection. His only hope to survive was a stem cell transplant from a matching donor.  Luckily, they found a match for him.  Many are not so lucky.

In a letter, Carter told his donor what her gift meant to him.

"It meant that my father didn't have to bury his other son. It meant that my son didn't lose his father in the prime of life," said Carter, of Grand Rapids. "And it meant that this child would grow up to know me through a relationship and not just through pictures."

Imagine if you were the one reading that letter from Mr. Carter.  Like Toyota, "Oh what a feeling!"

"The important thing to know is once they get to the transplant point in their disease, that's their only hope," said Mary Banfill, stem cell laboratory supervisor. "If they don't do the transplant, it's going to be fatal."

The economy is down.  We are all struggling a little financially.  However, one thing we can always give is a little bit of our time.  If you are reading this blog, most likely, you are able to help.  Go to www.marrow.org - the National Marrow Donor Program and they will give you information on how you may be able to save somebody's life-  and you will get a life long friend in the process and the good feeling of knowing you helped somebody.
Posted: 12/24/2008 11:28:41 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Brain, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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