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World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell 2008

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Well, you probably didn't know that I am in China right this moment attending the World Congress of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell 2008.  But it is true.  I will actually be giving a talk on what I call the Diabetes Pandemic and how Diabetes can really cripple National Healthcare programs in many countries.  The solution?  If you are reading this blog, then you know-  Adult Stem Cells or as we call them Repair Stem Cells.

Here is how my day went in Foshan, China:
Boy, this country is big and dense with people like I never saw.  So far, EVERYONE I have come in contact with has been overly friendly and super-helpful---EVERYONE.  Even the scary guys in the perfectly-pressed military uniforms went out of their way to help this poor old (I'm 74) man (OK, I acted a little helpless) through customs and immigration.  I was able to draw smiles, even laughs from a few, in my struggle to carry 30 kilos of collected dirty clothes, printed matter, raw foods,  and other junk in my suitcase and carry-on, from what is now 27 days of travel.

But it was worth it.  I'm meeting lots of doctors and stem cell researchers, ALL OF WHOM know about Repair Stem Cells vs. dozens of diseases and 97% of whom know embryonic stem cells can't cure even a hangnail.  What a pleasure!  On Thursday I hope to make a reservation to fly to Bangkok , but as my new-best-friend-chinese-travel-agent says, "Good Luck!"  He thinks I'll be in HK for another week or two.  Who knows, given how friendly the people here are, and that we are a 2.5 hour train ride from HK, and the internet is better in Foshan than in BKK, I could hang out here and miss Thailand just as easily as I do in HK.

Being an Inadvertent Exile isn't all bad.  After all, where else but Foshan could I have met Dr. James James of Chicago--a delightful guy who makes ME look NORMAL!  (As my late wife, Jo, once said, "Don has this morbid fear of being considered normal."  I think she was right.)  Dr. James James got me drunk last nite on one glass of wine. I wound up singing Russian songs with two guys from Moscow, getting into a scientific discussion in German with a doctor from Cologne and discussing the economic benefits of Norway with a Norwegian all without leaving the dinner table.

Read more about my exciting day of Stem Cells in Foshan
Posted: 12/3/2008 1:28:20 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Diabetes, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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