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Man With Parkinson's Helped By Stem Cell Therapy

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Parkinson's Patient Helped by Adult Stem Cells

A man suffering from Parkinson's Disease for 22 years is reporting tremendous improvement after receiving his own adult stem cells from a treatment center in Germany.  Aubra "Phil" Phillips says the stem cell research and therapy gave him the will to live again after considering suicide due to the severe symptoms of the Parkinson's.

Not only did the stem cell treatment give him the will to live, it also improved many of the Aubra Phillips' symptoms of his Parkinson's disease. 

From Falling And Stumbling To Bowling!

Parkinson's Disease Patient Bowling After Stem Cell Treatment

From the stem cell news article:

"I was about ready to commit suicide," he said from his Prescott Valley home. "I was stumbling around, falling, had the shakes and I slurred my words."

Today, after two stem cell transplant surgeries at the XCell-Center in Cologne, Germany, Phil walks and talks like any other healthy, articulate 59-year-old grandfather.

Phil and Donna flew to Germany in December 2008 for a lumbar puncture operation. He returned recently from his second operation. Surgery requires a patient to stay in Germany four to five days and costs about $10,000.

"The first day, they took the cells from my hip," he said. "We spent the next couple of days at the hotel sightseeing, and then you go back and they inject the cells into your spinal fluid. You have to rest for 36 hours and then go back for a final check up."

 "I noticed a change the very first day after his first operation," said his wife Donna, who watched Parkinson's disease steadily eat at Phil's body and mind for the past 22 years. "He didn't shuffle anymore and he smiled again.
Donna said that humor is the couple's best weapon against Phil's disease.

"It's all about your attitude," Phil said. "There are no guarantees this operation works for everyone and the doctors tell you that.

"It was a long shot, but it was worth it."

"It was like turning a light bulb back on," Donna said. "
He's laughing and smiling again. He wakes up every morning in a good mood. He started bowling and joined a league."

Doctors treat Parkinson's victims with a smorgasbord of medication, vitamins and exercises.

Many Parkinson's Patients Would Agree...

"You have to take some pills for the disease, and then you have to take more pills to counteract the side effects of the other pills," Phil said. "Pretty soon, you're taking pills for fake diseases that were created by the other pills."

Phillips was previously featured in Forbes magazine after his first stem cell treatment in Germany for his Parkinson's Disease. 

Why Isn't Stem Cell Treatment Available In The United States?

As I have argued before, this is a simple treatment using a person's own adult stem cells. There are no controversies as with embryonic stem cells.  There are no side effects. The procedure is easy and very safe.

It is a huge travesty that this treatment isn't made available to the American public and that patients like Aubra Phillips have to go to Germany for such a simple thing.    Not only is it a shame, it is costing American lives as a person's own stem cells have the ability to improve the patient's quality of life.  No, throwing more money at stem cell research isn't going to solve anything Obama.  These treatments are already here and ready to use. 

Are all the answers about stem cells known?  No, not at all.  Are adult stem cells a cure for Parkinson's? Probably not, but we know they can help.  Enough is known that adult stem cells can help heal and improve a patient's quality of life with zero side effects- much better than being on medication that only masks the symptoms, but fails to treat the disease. 

Michael J Fox - Where Are You?

Michael J Fox, where are you?  I believe that Michael J Fox has the power to make adult stem cell therapy available now.  Michael J Fox has the clout.  He has his Parkinson's disease foundation.  He has the money.  He has the name power.  It is my opinion that Michael J Fox can make this happen.  And I call on him to help.  Not only go on the talk shows talking about research for Parkinson's-- Michael could get stem cell therapy himself and not only would it possibly improve his life, it would help millions of others too.   Michael, where are you?

Adult Stem Cell Research Still Evolving

And now, doctors in Germany and India are implanting the adult stem cells directly into the brain for Parkinson's disease patients using stereotactic surgery.  Stem Cell research doctors believe that this may be even more effective than the lumbar puncture that was used for Aubra Phillips because the stem cells can be placed exactly where they are needed. 

Interested In Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson's?

If you are interested in this stem cell treatment, please write me an email at don@repairstemcells.org and I will try my best to assist you in seeking this therapy.
Posted: 12/1/2009 11:48:00 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Brain, Parkinson, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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