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Topeka Dogs Aging Backwards

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Gunner is leading the way for dogs in pain to live a new life. His owner Carrie Hoffman says, "He's like a puppy again. I can't keep up with him. It's wonderful."  His buddy Sherman is proving you can't keep an old dog down. Sherman's owner Bruce Zimmerman says, "He's doing things that he hasn't done for a couple of years. Gets on the couch willingly."
Both dogs were the first in the state of Kansas to have their own stem cells injected back into their bodies. Their owners say it seems as if the dogs are now aging backward.  Gunner used to drag his feet when he walked from pain in his joints. Now Hoffman says, "Our forth day after the procedure, he picked his feet up and he was prancing and later on that evening he decided to jump up on the sofa."  Sherman's arthritis was so bad he even had a hard time taking care of business. Zimmerman says, "I think it was around day 10, he actually stood on his left leg and peed and it was a pretty major event around our house."
Just one month after the procedure, their vet couldn't be more pleased. UAC Veterinarian Larry Snyder says, "We've been very impressed with what these dogs are doing. Neither dog seems to be in any pain, they're moving well. It's almost like somebody turned back the hands of time."
Both owners say this procedure was their dogs' last chance at a quality of life they deserve. Hoffman says, "It's like an answer to my prayers because he's my baby. He's my baby. He might be big, but he's my big baby.  The vet also noticed a growth on Sherman's nose has gotten visibly smaller since the procedure. He says they may not even know yet all of the benefits these dogs will see.
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The article explains that people call the animal clinic to see if they can get the procedure done on themselves. They cannot. FDA and PhRMA want you to buy their useless pills, knowing that humans are not smart enough to realize that their doctors’ pills make them nothing but worse.
Humans get the same good results as these animals if they are smart enough to realize where years of arthritis pills have gotten them (sicker than ever) and try stem cells also. Where? Ask us. If you are far gone, even stem cells won’t help but we know what will. If you are not far gone, we know where the stem cells are in North America. Just drop an email to don@RepairStemCells.org with the subject: TREATMENT and the disease description in the message.
Posted: 12/16/2010 3:47:12 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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