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Adult Stem Cells Save Diabetes Patient's Leg From Amputation

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I received a comment the other day from a doctor in India who was 'complaining' that Adult Stem Cell research in India wasn't getting enough credit. Well, Don Margolis aims to please- today, I have an Adult Stem Cell Success story coming from India. This one showing that Adult Stem Cells improve circulation in Diabetes patients with Peripheral Artery Disease.

In a study presented at the Cardiovascular Research Foundation in New York last month, doctors treated 34 patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease with their own stem cells taken from their bone marrow. Most of them had circulation restored in their legs.

The first patient treated was a 64 year old male with Diabetes:

The patient had already lost his right leg and the big toe from his left leg to the disease. “At that time, we were sure that his left leg too had to be amputated. The arteries were getting increasingly blocked and blood supply was less than 30%,” recalls chief vascular surgeon Dr K Vijayaraghavan.

The doctors then removed 240 ml of blood from the bone marrow. From it, 40 ml with a high concentration of stem cells was collected. After an angiogram, doctors injected this blood, rich in stem cells into 40 spots between his knee and foot.

“These spots were along the blocked arteries. In four weeks, his pain came down. In eight weeks, he could walk. By the 12th week, he could get back to his daily routine with no trouble,” says Dr Vijayaraghavan. The hospital repeated the procedure in 33 other patients, who were all suffering from critical limb ischemia.

According to Dr V Balaji, vascular surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, the treatment till some years ago was amputation. “Now, science is demonstrating that adult stem cells regenerate ischemic arteries by stimulating angiogenesis in the areas of damaged tissue, thereby restoring proper blood circulation to the limbs,” he said.

Once again, this is another Adult Stem Cell procedure in which the patient has nothing to lose by trying and everything to gain if it works.  In these cases, the doctors are out of options and the next step is amputation.  Adult Stem Cells give these patients one more option.  This isn't rocket science.  They are making injections of the patient's own stem cells using a simple syringe into the legs.  It is putting the patient's own stem cells into the area where they are needed and the Repair Stem Cells do what they are  "born to do" - repair damage and restore function. 

To give credit where credit is due- this study was conducted by the department of vascular surgery at the Sri Ramachandra Medical College Hospital and Research Institute in Chennai, India.  If anyone has this presentation or results of this study- if you send it to me, I will be happy to present it here.
Posted: 2/9/2009 5:27:23 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Diabetes, Peripheral Artery Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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