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Saving the Umbilical Cord Stem Cells- A Case For It

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We have explored the question of storing your baby's umbilical cord for the stem cells before in this blog after Newsweek came out with a biased article about it. .

The author of that article took a very negative slant - first insinuating that the Cord Blood Storage companies were taking advantage of parents saying that there is little chance that the cord blood would ever be used.  (In a perfect world, I hope they would never have to be used, but this isn't a perfect world.)

But then, to make it even worse, Newsweek took aim at a stem cell trial at Duke University which treats children with Cerebral Palsy with their own cord blood stem cells.  Parents of the children who have been treated have been thrilled with the results.  However, Newsweek insinuated that there is no proof that the stem cells were responsible for their improvements.  Read these stories and decide for yourself-  John Centrello, Maia Friedlander, Chloe Levine, and Dallas Hextell .  Also, you can read some of the comments of the friends and family helped by stem cells at Duke following the Newsweek article.

This is a continuous trend by the mainstream media in which they try to downplay each Adult Stem Cell success story.

This is very similar to what happened with the spinal cord injury patient who walked for the first time  in 13 years directly after Adult Stem Cell treatment in Costa Rica. The writer of the newspaper insinuated there was no proof it was the stem cells and said it was possible that the patient improved due to the intense physical therapy she did in Costa Rica instead -  Ridiculous.

Let's get positive now-   I have a happy story from Philadelphia (where yours truly was born :)  in which the mother of  Brandon Orr, a young boy with leukemia in remission - saved the cord blood of her following two sons on the chance that the stem cells would come in handy should her son suffer a relapse.

Unfortunately, Brandon did have a relapse.  However, his mother had prepared:
Years of chemotherapy led to remission but, "Brandyn relapsed," said Susan.

He needed a stem cell transplant and didn't have to worry about waiting for a donor match.

When his two younger brothers were born, Brandyn's mother saved blood from their umbilical cords; cord blood is rich with stem cells.

"It was enough to do the transplant, it was the most wonderful news I've ever heard," said Susan.

The Orr's stored their stem cells at a private blood bank, one of a growing number in a 12-million dollar a year industry.

"Some people look at it as biological insurance," said Stephen Grant of Family Cord.

Stem cells from cord blood can treat diseases like leukemia and sickle cell anemia.

Research is underway for diabetes, heart failure, spinal cord injuries, and stroke.
Susan's convinced cord blood saved Brandyn's life.

"He's my right hand man; he's my heart, my life," said Susan

You can read the full article here
Posted: 2/4/2009 10:38:00 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Anemia, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Leukemia, Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Stroke, Therapy, Treatment

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