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Adult Stem Cells Give 3 Multiple Sclerosis Patients From Texas A New Life

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Three (3) Multiple Sclerosis patients from Texas have successfully been helped by stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells. Angie Adcox, Joey Quinn, and Juli Balli all traveled to Costa Rica recently for the stem cell treatment and unsurprisingly, all three have seen miraculous improvements in their quality of life.

Angie Adcox went to Costa Rica to receive cord blood stem cells to treat her Multiple Sclerosis in September, 2008. Her MS had progressed to the point where she said-

"I'm going to go try this," she said. "If not, who's to say where I'm going to be in another six months? In a home somewhere?"

These days, Angie has a lot more energy and can be seen at the local rink--ROLLER SKATING!

In her blog, Angie says:

"I have been amazed at my energy level! I have much more energy than I did before I went to Costa Rica. I have just been feeling good the last few weeks."

Joey Quinn also went to receive the stem cell treatment in Costa Rica. Multiple Sclerosis had forced him into a wheelchair:

"After the third shot that I had with the stem cells, I threw my cane away," he said. "I got rid of that, didn't need that no more."

Juli Balli also received the cord blood stem cells approximately 4 months ago:

Julie Balli doesn't know precise details of the treatment she got four months ago. What she does know is she can wear high heels and stand up without help for the first time in years.

These three patients all have followed in the footsteps of Preston Walker and Richard Humphries who were the first to go to Costa Rica to receive Adult Stem Cells from umbilical cord blood.

Interestingly enough, the reporter for this article tried to get doctors/specialists to talk about this stem cell treatment:
They all refused, saying it's unproven, potentially dangerous, and could give patients false hope. MS societies warn against it.

Could give patients false hope? These specialists would rather watch MS patients deteriorate more and more rather than "give false hope"? There are very few things in life that are a 100% sure thing, but now with Adult Stem Cells in the form of cord blood stem cells and autologous stem cells (stem cells taken from the patient, usually from the bone marrow or peripheral blood), Multiple Sclerosis patients have another weapon (very safe) to fight this disease. Why not use it?

You can read the full stem cell article here along with a stem cell video that I couldn't get to play

And I would also like to address the big story in the news today of the Israeli boy who got tumors after receiving Fetal stem cells to try to treat his Ataxia. These fetal stem cells are very different than cord blood stem cells.

Fetal Stem Cells are stem cells taken from aborted fetuses. For example, when a young woman has an abortion after being pregnant for three months, the stem cells are then extracted from the aborted fetus. These are fetal stem cells and are what caused the tumor in the Israeli boy with Ataxia. These fetal stem cells are widely available in Eastern Europe and Russia (where the boy was treated).

The cord blood stem cells are different! These stem cells are taken from the umbilical cord blood of new born babies  ie. when you cut the umbilical cord separating the newborn from his/her mother. There is nothing controversial about these Adult Stem Cells and are used in a vast array of stem cell treatments including Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy and dozens of other diseases and conditions.  They are considered very safe and are not to be confused with Fetal stem cells.

A Special Note: We are quickly building up a nice cache of stories and videos of patients who have Multiple Sclerosis and have been helped by Adult Stem Cell research. If you or someone you know has MS, you may want to take a quick peek at our Multiple Sclerosis Archives.
Posted: 2/19/2009 7:17:31 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Ataxia, Bone, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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