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Stem Cells Revive Woman in Coma From Stroke

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In another event showing that Adult Stem Cell research in India is truly ahead of the curve,  Adult Stem cells implanted into a woman in a coma from a brain stroke have partially revived her. This stem cell therapy partially waking up a woman is believed to be only the second time in history this has been done with stem cells.

Two years ago, this woman suffered a brain stroke while in a hospital in Sakaal, India. She had been in a coma ever since. Her husband approached a stem cell company in India and asked that she be implanted with her own stem cells taken from her bone marrow. The doctors agreed it could be done and did it.

Here is more from Chaitanya Purandare, the managing director of the stem cell company- Stem One, in India:

The therapy was applied by extracting the patient’s bone marrow stem cells. They were then enriched in the company’s laboratory and injected into the Cerebral Spinal Fluid (fluid present in the spinal cord).

“The dose comprises three injections. After giving injections, the lady, who has been lying still in a vegetative state, has now shown improvements like clenching her fists, turning on the bed without any external support. These may appear too little but for the relatives of a comatose person it is a huge relief,” Purandare said.

Purandare said this therapy does not completely cure a person but helps in improving living condition of the patient. The level of cure also depends on the person’s age and how early the disease is detected.

“This field of treatment is called regenerative medicine. Injecting stem cells into the affected organ revives sick tissues. Like, a patient with spinal cord injury is able to control functioning of bladder. The three doses of injection cost around Rs 80,000. It may sound costly but comparative high expenditure involved in allopathic treatment, this is reasonable. This could become affordable if insurance companies include regenerative treatment in their medi-claim policies,” he said.

Where do I start?  This article and Chaitanya Purandare hit everything right on the head.  A patient with nothing to lose is implanted with her own stem cells and she is improved.  Adult Stem Cells aren't a 100% cure all, but they do help in most cases.  Believe me, these patients and their family members and friends understand and appreciate these victories. If a spinal cord injury patient regains control of his/her bladder thanks to stem cells- that is huge to the patient.

And these treatments probably would save money in the long run.  For example, if a heart patient implants his/her  own stem cells, the resulting benefits may save them from having to implant a pacemaker, may spare them from a bypass, and it may even save them from having a heart transplant-- think how much money would be saved by insurance companies in the long run if this were covered by insurance.

Something to think about....

You can read the full stem cell article here
Posted: 2/16/2009 7:51:08 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Brain, Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Stroke, Therapy, Treatment

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