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To Do List to get Stem Cell Therapy in the US

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Nobody said it was easy to receive stem cell therapy in the United States. Take the case of Elena Porras, a 20 month year old toddler with a spinal cord injury. Her mother, Juliet, wants her to be treated with her own Adult Stem Cells to improve her condition so she may be able to walk or at least have a chance.

Here is what Juliet has had to do to accomplish that goal so far:

  1. Find a doctor willing to carry out the stem cell therapy (I'm guessing there are probably only a handful of doctors in the United States who would consider this)

  2. To adhere to the US  FDA regulations, that doctor has to begin a clinical trial for not 1, but 10 other patients with spinal cord injuries

  3. Raise $300,000 to begin the trial to not only treat Elena, but to help pay for the treatment of the other 9 children in the stem cell clinical trial

Is that all? Sounds like a piece of cake.

Keep in mind, this is a very non invasive, safe procedure using the child's own Adult Stem Cells (Repair Stem Cells)- there is very little risk or downside for a child to have her own stem cells implanted.

Taken from the story:

But because this would be the first time something like this would be done, they decided to do it as an actual clinical trial.

“But to do the trial, I needed to raise a large amount of money that we didn’t have. Dr. Baumgartner put me in touch with TIRR Foundation to help us get the word out,” said Porras.

Elena will then undergo a spinal tap, and the doctors will infuse the cells into her spinal fluid. The whole procedure will take less than a day, and if all goes well, she will be able to go home and sleep in her own bed that night

This is actually a very beautiful story in which the whole community and various organizations are working together to try and help Elena, who previously has beaten cancer. It shows what we Americans (and others) can do when we work together and set our minds on accomplishing a goal.

Looking at it from a glass is half empty point of view, it illustrates what patients face when trying to get a stem cell treatment that has only  upside and very little risk.  The safety of being implanted with your own stem cells has been proven time and time again.

People like Juliet and Elena Porras have to overcome almost as many obstacles as Job to receive what should be the most natural treatment in the world- stem cell therapy using one's own  Adult Stem Cells (Repair Stem Cells).

Happily, with the help of some very nice people, her mother, Juliet Porras, the TIRR foundation and others- it looks like Elena Porras is on her way to receive her stem cell treatment.  Millions of other Americans with not only spinal cord injuries, but other diseases/conditions that can be helped by stem cell therapy aren't as fortunate.

Now, is Elena going to be walking normally after her stem cell treatment- probably not, but it gives her a chance, and most likely her condition will be improved- so why not do it?  There are millions others in the same predicament.  Why not here in the United States?

Click here to read the whole story- you will be glad you did
Posted: 2/6/2009 8:09:01 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cancer, Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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