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The Truth About Stem Cells

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
....is not easy to find.  Why?  Because Big Medicine controls almost all the news outlets with their billion-dollar-a-month advertising budget. So all YOU are allowed to read, hear and view on TV is stem cell propaganda, and never anything truthful about Adult Stem Cells---the only stem cells which work, no matter what you hear from fully bribed, fully-controlled researchers who are literally paid hundreds of millions to lie to you.  Why do 80% of MDs tell their patients who ask, that stem cells cause cancer, don't last that long, or are available only from scamming hucksters.  The answer is simple:  MONEY!  "Keep coming to my office, pay me nice fees, let me earn commissions on the useless drugs I prescribe, let me keep making "referral fees" every time I suggest a special treatment or surgery, and most of all, keep getting worse and worse, as you have been since you started being treated for your chronic condition.

Stem cell enhancement really is a new and exciting field of study in the biogenics industry. Compared to embryonic stem cell enhancement, adult stem cell therapy is not questionable . . . Because stem cell enhancement is just not debatable, we're going to simply just concentrate on this particular replacement. Until recently, it had been deemed this was unimportant subject considering that the recognized belief was in fact these particular cells would simply just correct similar parts of your body at their extraction point. It wasn't until very recently that we didn't understand the fact that stem cells can transform to virtually any cell. The theory adult stem cells can primary repair like damaged tissues is now no longer valid. Most recent breakthroughs clearly show any stem cells which are removed from red bone marrow are capable of repairing and also becoming "any" cell precisely where they happen to be needed.

From the day you are born, your mesenchymal (adult adult stem cells within your medulla ossium actually starts to decrease. Your bone marrow to stem cells is around 1 to 10,000 as a child goes to 1 to 2,000,000 when you die. Nonetheless, we now know, this doesn't need to be what has to happen. Minimize the effects of the aging clock by raising your current stem cell ranges.

Here's a review of the way stem cells function. Your cells in the body stop working or fail.. | Ones cells repeatedly fail. Making room for new ones. Over a period of seven years, your entire body will be completely replaced.
In the television science fiction epic "Star Trek Voyager" 7 of 9 had treat seriously injured members with "nano-probes" they seem to magically repair failing organs. Stem cells function in precisely the same style. When systems wear out, stem cells are disbursed and produce the appropriate fixes.

Nano-probes have an innate intelligence built in, so they knew right where to go therefore they could easily perform their marvels. It so happens, stem cells have this same innate intelligence and generally find out exactly where they're required of them.
Your stem cell research funding which are introduced from your medulla ossium, can repair "just about any" injured or old organs.
This means the stem cells found in bone red marrow have proven to be a spectacular means rebuild youth and vigor system. Corrections and repairs to situationswho were had been taken care of rapidly when you happen to be in your youth these days a lot more time because your adult stem cell numbers have gone down. While you happen to be working on more critical concerns.
Critical wounds, of course, take a lot longer.

Whilst you were little your body's cells had outstanding restorative healing power. But when you get older your healing ability lessen. Professional bodybuilders are more effected through getting older in comparison with any type of people.
You are usually regarded as old once you reach Thirty in professional tennis. On the other hand, nowadays there are a lot of pro tennis athletes both men/women long past Thirties competing at an incredibly. Do you think adult stem cell therapy could possibly be the reason? In the event that they haven't it's a pitty, because one of the greatest uses for stem cell enhancement may be in the use in professional sports nutrition.
For pro athletes, immediately after a tournament, rapid recovery is really important. The players undergo an extremely strenuous schedule. As few as Two days between matches. In other sports including track and field, their turnaround time far less. stem cells.

Posted: 2/20/2014 7:06:51 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cancer, MDS, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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