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Dior use stem cell research for new XP creams

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Dior use stem cell research for new XP creams

This week's revelation is Christian Dior's new high-tech anti-ageing range.  It's the result of years of stem cell research and is set to revolutionise skincare by actively repairing, rather than simply preventing, the appearance of wrinkles.

To help us achieve younger-looking skin in 2008, researchers at Dior's Innovation Centre used the latest techncologocal advances to isolate the reconstructive properties of stem cells, the cells used to repair damaged skin, and use them to repair skin and remove wrinkles from the inside.

To activate and protect the stem cells' magic, the range contains a Stemsome system to target all levels of the skin's epidermis. On the surface, Bi-Skin smoothens out the wrinkle, TP-Vityl re-starts cell activity, and Bionectine strengthens the structure of the tissue underneath the wrinkle. The range is new for January 2008 but is already earning rave reviews for its impressive results.



Posted: 1/22/2008 4:46:14 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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