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Dear Mr. Margolis:
I have read as much as I could of your blog attacking the promise of embryonic stem cells.  Your attempts to prove George Bush, the idiot, correct have sickened me.  Your misleading claim (that non-pluripotent adult stem cells can now do as much as true stem cells will do) must have been directed by Karl Rove.  Worst is your claim that cures will not be quickly forthcoming as soon as we get rid of those religious fanatics in the White House.  How can you claim that these foreign fakers can "successfully treat" that which far superior American medicine cannot?  If the FDA says it is not approved, I cannot imagine any American being dumb enough to fall for that crap.

(Name withheld)

Dear Dr XXX, PhD:
Thank you for proving my case about how the American public has been misinformed by the embryonic profiteers.  When a PhD such as yourself can be so easily conned by wheelchairs being rolled up to the stage, imagine how easy it has been for those you worship to convince less-educated sick people that George Bush is responsible for their misery.  It is about money, doctor, not about cures.  You are correct in that I maintain that embryonic stem cells will never be implanted in humans in a civilized, regulated medical program.

However, you have received all of your less-than-true stem cell information from those who want your zeal to turn into your money for their profit, NOT for cures.  While embryonic stem cells can surely be used to teach us new and useful things about disease, only adult stem cells can safely be put into a human body this decade or next decade.  By then, doctor, adult stem cells will be the standard.  You are the type who would try to convince Boeing to wait for a new kind of propellor-driven engine and ignore jets.  Your logic is flawed, but I know you will not accept my word for it against those of fifty money-grubbing researchers.  So I will give you a direct interview from the ONLY name that matters in the embryonic science which I respect,  Jamie Thomson, the father of embryonics, rather than from the science fiction world you are involved in.  I wonder how sick Dr. Thomson's words, in bold below, will make you.

DNA has changed our lives, and so will stem cells," Thomson said.
"Eventually we will have all the types of cells we need. ... Stem cells will profoundly change human medicine."

That hasn't happened yet, he said, but added that successful medical therapies using stem cells should exist 10 years from now.

Challenges to achieving that, Thomson said, include safety concerns such as cancer and the body's immune rejection process.


Please notice two things:
1-For two years I have been writing that 2018 is the best we can hope for.  This week, Dr.Thomson has confirmed my estimate exactly:  "should exist 10 years from now."   I no longer believe that 2018 is possible for "cures;" but I do believe that embryos can teach us more.  In fact they already are, and have the potential to double our medical knowledge in the next decade, but not by implanting them into human beings.

2-More importantly, I keep saying that the promoters you love so much, avoid mentioning the word cancer at all costs.  Only Dr. Thomson and damned few others have the courage to use the word in a world where they can lose their jobs just for saying it.  So your mis-educated fanatic mob will go to their graves not knowing that embryonic stem cells come from cancer and bring it with them wherever they go.

Don Margolis
Founder, SAIL NOW!
Save And Improve Lives NOW!
with adult stem cells

USA: 1-215-764-6312

VISIT  donrmargolis.com/blog/


Posted: 1/25/2008 1:37:27 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cancer, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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