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A Young Boy With Niemann-Pick Type C Helped by Adult Stem Cell Research

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Adult Stem Cell research has made tremendous strides recently, now treating more than 100 different conditions/diseases. It looks like we can now add one more disease to our list.  I am happy to announce that Adult Stem Cells (aka Repair Stem Cells) have been used to help a young boy suffering from Niemann Pick Type C.

This is a congenital disease in which the body cannot break down cholesterol and lipids.  This leads to seizures and neurological deterioration.  Also known as Childhood's Alzheimers, this terrible disease usually leads to the child's death.

Aaditya, 8. a young boy in India was one such child suffering from Niemann Pick Type C.  After searching everywhere (including the United States) for some type of treatment for this disease, Aaditya's family found there was no conventional treatment.

Luckily for the child, his family and doctors were very proactive.  Not willing to accept a death sentence, Dr. N.K. Venkataramana, Vice Chairman & Chief Neurosurgeon of  BGS Global Hospital, Bangalore went before the ethics committee of his hospital and made the presentation of the stem cell procedure that would hopefully save Aaditya's life-

Aaditya has recovered significantly after the stem cell transplant therapy. Now, his gaze shifts when people move in his bedroom, his head does not droop and the fingers of his right hand move to touch soft toys placed next to him. He could not do any of these earlier.

The child™s deterioration has stopped and there™s some improvement (following the surgery). Next, he has to become active, but we cannot say how long it will take (for him to recover completely), said Dr Venkataramana.

His recovery will bring cheer not only to his kin, but also to those in various corners of the world suffering from this disease.

I hope so.  What did this child have to lose?  If this child was born in the United States, probably he would have just been given medication to minimize his suffering for the rest of his (short?) life.  Now that we have Repair Stem Cells, we can use them to help people such as Aaditya.  We have the greatest medicine in the history of mankind- Adult Stem Cells at our fingertips and we are failing to use it- not just for Niemann-Pick, but for countless other conditions and diseases.   Aaditya was one of the lucky few in that respect, there are millions of others who aren't so lucky and thus are sentenced to suffering and/or death.

Here is the great article about Aaditya
Posted: 1/3/2009 3:02:37 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Brain, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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