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Adult Stem Cells Heal Woman's Broken Leg

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Yet another victory for Adult Stem Cell research.  Not only are Adult Stem Cells healing uncommon diseases that most of us are not familiar with- Repair Stem Cells as I call them can help very common conditions such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, and now we can add broken bones to the list.

I first covered this in August, 2008.  In Australia, patients with broken legs that didn't heal were treated with their own Repair Stem Cells.  For example, Anthony Giancola had suffered a badly broken leg in 2005, that didn't heal after almost 4 years until he had his own stem cells implanted into his leg.  2 weeks after the Repair Stem Cells were implanted into Anthony, he was walking normally again.

Usually, when we break bones in some accident, 80%-85% of the time, with the help of some good doctors, the broken bone heals and we are back to normal in approximately 2 months.  However, in some cases, the bone does not heal properly or does not heal at all.

Such was the case of Loraine Holland, a school teacher in Essex, England.  She broke her leg badly in a sledging accident.  I'm not sure what sledging is, but I understand the broken leg part well enough.  The badly broken leg simply wouldn't heal.  From the article:

The X-rays showed it was broken in two places, but the consultant said it should heal and after two days discharged me. I was in plaster for 14 weeks, first using a wheelchair and then crutches, and went back every four weeks for X-rays.

These showed the bone wasn™t knitting together and no one could understand why.

A CT scan showed there was a good blood supply to the bone, and I was young and healthy, but my leg just wouldn™t heal.

So my consultant referred me to the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic and District Hospital in Oswestry, where they were pioneering the treatment.

I saw Professor James Richardson 11 months after my accident. He told me that stem cells, which are found in the bone marrow, act like the body™s own building blocks and could help me grow new bone around my fracture.

It worked- Four months after the operation, I was finally able to walk normally - it felt amazing. I was able to work and be an active mum again.

I urge you to read this whole article in full as it covers the stem cell procedure in detail.  At the end, it says the treatment can be done on a private patient basis and  costs around 7,000 pounds- about $10,000 US dollars.  So if you or someone you know has a broken leg that hasn't healed- perhaps you may wish to look up -Professor James Richardson is consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic and District Hospital in Oswestry. It may very well be worth a holiday in England.

Posted: 1/6/2009 8:17:00 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Diabetes, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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