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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Since global warming seems to have cooled off, the only climate change we may have  now after Obama's inauguration is a 'stem cell' climate change.

Would you like to know why science and politics are involved in a stem cell research controversy?

Try this:

The U.S. conventional medical system is a sickness maintenance management

business for profit, and has not cured anything in the past half-century, nor will

it in the next half-century.

For months, the profiteers and their bought-and-paid-for doctors and scientists have been telling you that doctors saving and improving lives with Repair (Adult) Stem Cells offshore are snake-oil salesmen.  Since you are not allowed to know otherwise because the media feeds you, you tend to believe it.  N o matter how hopeless conventional medicine treatments are for childhood diseases such as Cerebral Palsy, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, and even Autism!  No matter how hopeless conventional medicine treatments are for  congestive heart failure and multiple sclerosis. - you are convinced that these stem cell treatments are "unproven".   I try to document these success stories to give patients and their families hope, but I am a small voice in this jungle.

Anyone who knows anything about stem cells know that embryonic stem cells will never be able to be implanted into a sick human being to help that person.  They also know that Repair Stem Cells can now do what embryonics won't ever do.  But all of the players involved in your health are perfectly willing to lie to you and thereby profit:

**The profiteers are paying to support the embryonic myth, knowing

that embryonics can never cut into their obscene profits, and also knowing that:

**Medical scientists (and their academic institutions and their medical journals) will do ANYTHING for funds, including spreading the lie that Repair Stem Cells, proven and reproven thousands and thousands of times, are not as "promising" as embryonics; which, of course, will never work.

**The investment community has known since 2004 that there are no profits in embryonic stem cell companies and stock prices headed toward zero for four years.

Then, in October, when it was becoming apparent that Obama would win, those stock prices climbed because your tax money can make them "profitable," since they will never profit by helping you.

**Doctors who are in the business of profiting from commissions earned by

feeding you drugs that rarely help other than to keep you alive to buy more drugs and therapies, will tell you "there is nothing we can do,"  because the major profiteers will make sure Repair Stem Cells will never make it into the USA in any meaningful numbers.

The end result is that billions are being spent by the government on what can never help cure anyone of anything, and potentially profit-destroying Repair Stem Cells will never make it into the system in any meaningful numbers.  And thousands are dying waiting for a "cure" that will never come.  This subject saddens me.

Trackback URL: http://www.donrmargolis.com/trackback/c968adc7-c337-4718-a364-667ad9f17b80/OBAMA-INAUGURATION-WILL-CHANGE-STEM-CELL-CLIMATE.aspx?culture=en-US

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