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Stem Cell Treatment Keeps Helping Multiple Sclerosis Patient

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
I started following the saga of Preston Walker and Richard Humphries in June 2008, just after they had returned from Costa Rica to receive Adult Stem Cells to treat their Multiple Sclerosis.

Both men felt improvement immediately after the stem cell treatment.  And they still seem to be doing well- almost 9 months after the treatment.  They are gaining a following among Multiple Sclerosis patients who are well aware of their exploits.  Both Preston and Richard have become  role models for others suffering from Multiple Sclerosis

And now, Preston was featured on his local Fort Worth/Dallas Television Station:

In 2001, Walker was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, suffered from chronic fatigue, and began losing the use of his legs.

"I felt like my cognition was declining at a rapid pace," Walker said. "I really felt at the end of last year that I wouldn't be employed any longer because the cognition just wasn't there."

That feeling changed after his Adult Stem Cell therapy in Costa Rica:

For the first time ever, doctors took samples of their fat, drew stem cells from it, and reinjected it.  By the second injection the results were obvious.  The men had more energy than they'd had in years.  By the end of the treatment Humphries no longer needed a cane to walk.

The fatigue and leg problems were a thing of the past for Walker.  "I don't suffer from any of those symptoms we talked about," he said.  "The depression, the fatigue, the cognitive cloud¦ I mean it will still raise its ugly head occasionally, but it's nowhere near everyday and every moment of everyday like it was."

And hearing about Preston's story is nice enough but read this part too:

Humphries admits there were risks in being test patients for the treatment.  "If we or somebody doesn't become a guinea pig than how can that benefit others?" Humphries asked.

Since their treatment, dozens of others have followed in their footsteps to receive the benefits of stem cell transplants.

The full news story is here.

Preston and Richard's Multiple Sclerosis blog is here.
Posted: 1/8/2009 9:16:49 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Multiple Sclerosis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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