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2nd Stem Cell Treatment for Paralyzed Teen

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Many times I have featured repair stem cell recipients who have traveled from the United States to China for a successful stem cell treatment.  And many times I have featured others who went to Costa Rica where they also received a successful stem cell treatment.  Today, I am featuring a spinal cord injury patient who went to China last year for her stem cell therapy, and after some improvement from the stem cells in China, now wants more.

Therefore, she is planning to go to Costa Rica hoping for even more improvement.  Here is how Kayla Spano's first trip to China went:

A trip to China 15 months ago for stem cell treatment in hopes of reversing paralysis from a May 2006 car crash didn't put Kayla Spano at her goal of walking again.

But it helped her regain some feeling and control of her lower abdomen, which along with intense physical therapy aided in strengthening her upper body so much so that the 18-year-old no longer depends on her mother, Karen Burr, or others to get in and out of her wheelchair and wherever else she needs to go. (This is fantastic-DM)

Instead, Kayla was able in January to enroll in LSU-Shreveport to work toward a major in accounting, live in a campus apartment and get a vehicle with controls so she can drive where she wants to go.

"Before China, I couldn't sit up without holding onto something. Now, I can reach out and lift things over my head, like my wheelchair, and put it in the car. If I didn't have the improvements, I couldn't do that. And there are other things I can do by myself.

"I need to be independent before I can walk "» because if I walked first that would be like taking the easy way out. I went to China to get these improvements and get independent, and now I have this opportunity to do more."

But Kayla is not content to just sit. She is determined to give stem cell surgery another try. She still wants the chance to try to walk again.

To reach that goal, Kayla is planning a trip this year to San Jose, Costa Rica, where she'll again undergo a series of stem cell implants. This time, however, there will be more treatments over a shorter period of time.

Go for it Kayla!  We are all cheering for you!

Click here to read the full article

Posted: 7/31/2008 3:29:14 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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