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Adult Stem Cell Research- Now Helping Traumatic Brain Injury

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Stem Cell Research Doctor Helps Woman With Brain Injury

In another victory for stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells, a woman in India is recovering from a traumatic brain injury suffered in a car accident.  Madhumalika, 27,  had her own adult stem cells implanted into her brain for the therapy and treatment.

In a Coma, Nothing to Lose- Her Own Adult Stem Cells To The Rescue

Madhumalika had been in a coma for more than 3 months.  Her family had given up hope.  Her father said ""We had no hope of getting her back after the fatal injury. Also, we were unsure of the effects of the therapy on her. But we had to take a chance."

With the help of Dr. N K Venkataramana, chief neurosurgeon of BGS Hospitals,Madumalika had the stem cells from her bone marrow put into her brain.  The results?

From the stem cell article:

In the surgery done in March, four million stem cells per body weight, which were prepared at Stempeutics Research Pvt Ltd, were injected directly into her brain.

After a month of the transplant, she showed considerable improvement. She became conscious, started talking and could move her limbs. She was also able to recognize family members and friends.

Dr. N K Venkatarmana - Can you say the name of this stem cell doctor 3 times fast?

As noted above, the stem cell research and treatment was carried out by Dr. N K Venkataramana.  One doesn't easily forget a name like that.  Dr. Venkataramana was the same doctor (neurosurgeon) who helped Aaditya, the lovely young boy suffering from  Niemann Pick Type C, with Aaditya's own stem cells.    You can read more about Aaditya's stem cell treatment at his own web site set up by his family Hope for Aaditya

This all leads back to "Why isn't this available in the United States?"-  Treatment with your own stem cells - not as a cure, but as a beneficial treatment that should be done especially when the patient has nothing to lose such as in this case.  By not being able to use our own stem cells as a therapy, it  is causing unnecessary deaths and unnecessary suffering each day we delay.
Posted: 6/10/2009 10:16:09 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Brain, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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