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Iraq Ahead of US in Stem Cell Research and Treatment

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While America continues to waste put its money into Embryonic Stem Cell research, a doctor in Iraq is actually treating patients with their own Adult Stem Cells.   Dr. Abdul Majeed Alwan Hammadi is treating patients for free- and has so far treated 34 patients with stem cell therapy and treatment, mainly patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

Dr. Hammadi claims no side effects have been reported in his patients and this isn't surprising because it is the patient's own stem cells he is using.

We covered Dr. Hammadi briefly last month when he was treating  Reverend Andrew White, the vicar for St. George's church in Baghdad.  Reverend Andrew was suffering from multiple sclerosis before his stem cell treatment.

Reverend Andrew had no qualms about using his own Adult Stem Cells for his treatment because they were cells from his own body, already designed to repair damage.

Dr. Hammadi started treating Reverend Andrew in January 2009.  Since then (from the stem cell article):

White said his slurred speech and other MS symptoms improved since starting the three-hour therapy sessions, which involves Hammadi extracting adult stem cells from White’s blood and then injecting them into his spinal cord.

"When there’s no other treatment, you kind of just go with it," White said. "At least there’s a chance."

White said the therapy itself "can be a bit painful" since it involves a spinal cord puncture, but there has been a "massive difference" in his condition.

"It’s very rare for me to actually feel ill now," he said. "My balance is still quite bad and my vision is not perfect, but I do not feel ill."

Look at this.  In the middle of a warzone, a doctor is treating patients with their own Adult Stem Cells for free.  While in the peaceful United States, too busy with their Embryonic stem cell research, multiple sclerosis patients wait (and suffer) for the right to use their own stem cells for treatment. Is there something wrong with this picture?

Posted: 6/15/2009 3:43:36 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Multiple Sclerosis, Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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