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Stem Cell Research Helps Heart Attack Victim Get His Life Back

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cells Fix Damaged Heart Muscle

Stem cell research has helped James Eilert repair his damaged heart muscle after a severe heart attack. Using his own Adult Stem Cells, James has made almost a complete recovery after his heart attack 3 years ago.

Heart Attack Left Him Devastated

James, only 34 at the time of his heart attack, had lost hope. He was short of breath, fatigued and sweating all the time. Work was getting very difficult. Depression had set in. James had given up hope.

Stem Cell Research in Thailand

One day, James stumbled upon the Vescell website. In Bangkok, Thailand, the company Theravitae, a stem cell research company and makers of Vescell use a patient's own Adult Stem Cells to help heal heart attack, heart failure, and heart disease patients.

James quickly contacted them and on November 14, 2007 had his own stem cells implanted using a catheter.

Before the Stem Cell Therapy

  • Ejection fraction was 20-25%

  • Difficulty Working

  • Gasping for breath, sweating all the time

After the Adult Stem Cell Treatment

  • Ejection fraction at 50%

  • Can Work Full Time

  • No Restriction or Limitations

From the stem cell article:

After the treatment, James was thrilled with the results of the Vescell ™.  “I had an echocardiogram only 2 weeks after my stem cell therapy and my completely dead apex was beating again.  I was shocked and ecstatic at the same time.”

James now is going on 20 mile bike rides and living life to the fullest.

Stem Cell Treatment? Why Not the USA?

What would have happened if there was no Vescell in Thailand for James?  Most likely he would still be suffering from congestive heart failure- shortness of breath, fatigue, sweating all the time and depressed.  He was one of the lucky ones.  Most people in the US who have heart disease usually either can't go abroad for treatment or don't want to because they believe the US offers the highest standards in health care.   Sadly, in the case of congestive heart failure, these people are mistaken.  The US is falling behind by not allowing the use of the patient's own Adult Stem Cells to heal themselves.  Yes, I'm talking to you US FDA. You are making people suffer.

Please feel free to contact James via email jameseilert@att.net or phone- 248-227-3016

It looks like my old friends at Theravitae, the makers of Vescell are becoming more active on the internet.  It is about time. Keep it up guys.  I'm cheering for you.
Posted: 6/1/2009 4:22:46 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Congestive Heart Failure, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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