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Gathering of Children Helped by Stem Cell Research using Adult Stem Cells

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Stem Cell Research Video

Children Treated With Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells

Punta Gorda, Florida- This past Sunday, March 22, 2009,  a good time was had by all at a event organized by the Medical Awareness Association. This fun time was a gathering of mostly children with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and their parents who had been overseas for stem cell treatment in China using Cord Blood Stem Cells.

One of the highlights was a speech given by Macie Morse, the 16 year old girl who was blind because her optic nerve failed to develop.  Recently, Macie returned from China where she received Adult Stem Cells.   Today, Macie has her learner's permit and is driving!!   Don't believe me?  Have a look at this stem cell video

Before the stem cell treatment in China, there was no treatment, no cure for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.   Patients with this condtion were destined to a life of blindness.   Now, the word is getting out-  and more children like Jazmin Palmer with this condition are going to China to get this treatment.

Why isn't it available here in the United States?   The Medical Awareness Asscociation, started by Carol Petersen, the grandmother of Cameron Petersen who was treated and helped for his Optic Nerve Hypoplasia last year,  is trying to make this happen here.  The stem cells used are cord blood stem cells- there is no controversy surrounding them.  NO reason why this shouldn't be available now.

Here is their mission statement of the Medical Awareness Association:

We are, each one of us, Americans with conditions our US doctors have told us were untreatable, merely manageable, degenerative, unheard of, regressive, terminal or orphaned. We have witnessed the opportunity presented by adult umbilical cord and cord blood stem cell therapies outside our borders.

Many of us have questioned these terms by which our doctors labelled our conditions. Many of us have received stem cell therapies beyond the acceptance of the US medical tradition. We have accepted the risks inherent in our choice. We have also accepted the possibility of seeing "regression" itself regress.

We call on US researchers to actively pursue stem cell therapies while not belittling our choice to actively pursue therapies for ourselves internationally. We call on US researchers to engage us. We call on medical providers to not limit our treatment in US medical facilities because of our choice to receive stem cell therapies beyond our borders. We call on the press to include our perspective in their portrayal of stem cell technologies.

Stem cell therapies, even while exploratory, are gaining ground quickly. We are ultimately, and immediately, the intended beneficiaries of these therapies. And we are being forced to travel thousands of miles to foreign lands for any hope of benefit. We believe these therapies are ethical, immediately available and present no undue risk--save the journey we are forced to make to receive them. Please join us in our cause to increase exposure of these therapies and rush research into Stateside acceptance of adult stem cell therapy today.

There are quite a few groups sprouting up like the Repair Stem Cell Institute and this Medical Awareness Association,  largely ignoring the debate of adult stem cell research vs. embryonic stem cell research because they realize that adult stem cells can be used now!  They just can't be used in the United States because the FDA is treating Adult Stem Cells like a new drug.      That is the reason these children in the video had to go to China for a safe and effective treatment with little to no side effects. It isn't Obama, it wasn't Bush-- it is the FDA!

The original article on the stem cell gathering here

Posted: 3/25/2009 2:49:18 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Optic, Optic Nerve, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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