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Repair Stem Cell Institute Weighs in on Reversal of Embryonic Stem Cell Policy

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Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Today, I have a press release that our Repair Stem Cell Institute has just put out. In it, we address the problems associated with Embryonic Stem Cell research and describe how Adult Stem Cell research is already giving people better quality of lives through stem cell treatment. Here it is in full:

The Chairman of the Repair Stem Cell Institute (That is me- Don Margolis) says the viability of Embryonic Stem Cells is an Illusion. Repair (Adult) Stem Cells have swept to such a large lead in diseases being treated all over the world, that it will be impossible for embryonic stem cell research, with all the insurmountable problems, to catch up -- ever.

The Illusion of Embryonic Stem Cells

Don Margolis, the retired founder of the world's first adult stem cell treatment company and chairman of the Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI), today issued a statement from RSCI headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, in response to President Obama's reversal of current U.S. policy on stem cell research. In it, Margolis said that "Science itself will destroy the illusion of the viability of embryonic stem cells."

Adult Stem Cells- Already Successfully Helping People

Adult Stem Cells have already been proven to safely treat and improve the quality of life for thousands of patients, with successful treatments for multiple sclerosis, heart conditions, optic nerve disorders, diabetes and 100+ other treatable conditions.

Margolis went on to explain "There are six reasons why Embryonic Stem Cells will never make it out of the lab and into the bodies of sick Americans."

Here are the six reasons why Embryonic Stem Cell research is not needed:

  1. There is no need for still-useless embryonics. "We already have Repair (Adult) Stem Cells, the most powerful medicine the world has ever seen, capable now of improving the quality of life of millions of patients; something embryonics will never even approach, let alone reach.

  2. No scientist in the world, not just America, has a clue on how to stop the inevitable cancer threat of Embryonic stem cells.

  3. Our bodies are built to destroy invading enemies. Embryonic stem cells  are so perceived by the human immune system and always will be.

  4. California, with $275 million of stem cell funding to give away last spring, could not find one embryonic scientist in the state who was worthy of two cents worth of funding.

  5. There are many ways of creating "embryonic-like" stem cells good for lab research, by using what The Institute heartily endorses, adult cells.

  6. Economics: there is no way anyone can make money from the disaster known as embryonics. Just ask those who tried to cash in on the Geron hype a few weeks ago."

Diseases Treated by Adult Stem Cells

If a loved one suffers from something "incurable," check out our list of highly-honored doctors and the 100+ diseases they are treating in 2009, NOT 2025."  You can find that diseases treated list here.

Mr. Margolis concluded: "For a full explanation of each of these six points, read 'The Grim Fairy Tale' on our website.

About the Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI): The Repair Stem Cell Institute's mission is to educate and inform everyone about the rapid advances being made in Repair Stem Cell research, so all can intelligently exercise freedom of choice in medical care. Founded in 2008, RSCI is located in Bangkok, Thailand, and Dallas, Texas.

Here is the stem cell research press release.
Posted: 3/13/2009 4:30:42 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cancer, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Optic, Optic Nerve, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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