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Carlos Boozer's Son Receives Stem Cell Therapy!

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To continue our sports theme this week, I'd like to introduce you to this story about Carlos Boozer's son, Carmani Boozer.  Now, to you sports fans, Carlos Boozer didn't have a great series when his Utah Jazz lost to the Los Angeles Lakers last week 4 -2.  However, I'm sure Carlos has put that in perspective when compared to the plight of his son, Carmani, who received a stem cell transplant to treat his sickle cell anemia.  6 months after his stem cell treatment, Carmani is doing great.  However, doctors say it will be about 6 more months before he is "in the clear."  Although I'm not a Utah Jazz fan, I am cheering for Carlos and Carmani in this more meaningful series:

Carlos Boozer has had to recover from a host of injuries that come with being a power forward in the NBA, yet he can only imagine what his son has endured in the last year.

Carmani has had chemotherapy, made countless trips to the doctor and spent weeks in the hospital before and after a bone-marrow (this means stem cell- DM) transplant that his parents hope wiped out his sickle cell anemia.

Six months later, Carmani is still free of the blood disorder, but Boozer and his wife, CeCe, have another six months of angst before knowing whether the procedure was a success.

Also worth noting- the Boozers have formed their own network for those affected by Sickle Cell Anemia.  It is called Boozer's Buddies, and you can find them here.

And as always, you can read the whole article here 
Posted: 5/23/2008 3:07:01 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Anemia, Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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