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New Consortium Formed to Promote Adult Stem Cell and Cord Blood Therapy!

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A few days ago, I announced the formation of my Worldwide Center for Adult Stem Cell Education (WCASCE). Well, almost on the same day, across the pond in Europe, Professor Colin McGuckin announced the formation of a similar venture. Now, don't confuse Colin McGuckin with Chester McGlockton, the underachieving defensive tackle who never lived up to his potential and reportedly was a cancer on the teams he played for.

Professor McGuckin, one of the top stem cell researchers in the world at Newcastle University became my hero when he announced 2 months ago that:

"For me, the unnecessary row over stem cells has obscured the very real issue that patients are waiting to be treated. Some of those can be, here and now with cord blood. Cord blood has no ethical controversies whatsoever - it's accepted by every major religion on the planet. THE BEST ESTIMATES OF THE EMBRYONIC SCIENTISTS IN OUR OWN UNIVERSITY IN NEWCASTLE IS THAT EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS MAY NOT BE ABLE TO HELP PEOPLE THIS SIDE OF 50 YEARS. THAT'S MY LIFETIME. AND THAT'S WORRYING. WE CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG."

Now, when I say something like that, people scoff as I am just a layman with a passion to help people using adult stem cells. But when a top stem cell research like Professor McGuckin says it, people take notice. And I hope they notice this new group he has formed because it sounds very promising:

Professor Colin McGuckin, Chair in regenerative medicine at Newcastle University and the Fondation Jérôme Lejeune in Paris have announced the formation of a new venture 'Novussanguis ' to promote responsible research on cord blood and adult stem cells. Some 200 international participants were invited to the launch of the consortium at the Medical School of University Paris Descartes, in France.

Novussanguis will try to help those patients who could benefit from treatment with adult and cord blood stem cells
. Adult stem cells can be harvested from several human tissues such as brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, liver, cornea, retina, pancreatic cells and umbilical cord blood.

Click here to read the whole article
Posted: 5/15/2008 2:38:55 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Brain, Cancer, Liver, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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