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Veterinarians Are Making Great Progress with Adult Stem Cells

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
I don't mean for this blog to become an ongoing commercial for the good folks at Vet-Stem, but I continue to find these fantastic stories about how they are saving dogs, cats, and horses using their adult stem cell technology.

And memo to Vet-Stem-  if you keep saving and improving the lives of your animals (and making their human owners happy as well) using your adult stem cell therapy, I will be happy to keep posting your stories.  Keep up the good work:

Veterinarians are making stunning progress with adult, animal stem cells.

Nearly crippled dogs are suddenly walking, even running again. And there's hope that it will work on humans, too.

When you hear stem cells, you may instantly think controversy. Embryonic stem cell research has been fiercely debated because those cells can be derived only from human embryos. But what we're talking about here is taking adult stem cells from your own body. It's already being done with great success in horses, cats and dogs (It's also being done with great success in humans although not in the United States- DM).

 "I've seen animals that have gone from barely being able to walk to trotting and running down the driveway," said Dr. Cheryl Adams.

Adams is a pioneer of stem cell therapy. One of only two vets in Illinois certified to do it, she's treated 30 dogs so far. She extracted stem cells from River, an 8-year-old German Shepherd mix who may look familiar because of how he got his name.

he vials are then packed up and shipped overnight to a company called Vet Stem in San Diego. The fat cells are put into a centrifuge that separates the stem cells. And two days later, they're re-injected into the dog's joints.

"This science actually gives a chance to rejuvenate tissue, tendon, ligament and bone. So the dog can actually get better," said Gantz. "It really is cutting edge stuff, it's pretty exciting stuff." It costs about $3,000, but Adams says River's results, as in most cases, have been spectacular and almost immediate. "His energy level went through the roof, and we increased his range of motion by 20 degrees on his right hip," said Adams. As hopeful and exciting as this is for canines, imagine if they could do it for humans. Well, you won't have to imagine much longer. It's already in the works. Vet Stem is already testing treatments for repairing damaged livers, kidneys and hearts in dogs and cats.

The hope is someday soon, stem cells will not only help humans suffering from arthritis, but also stroke and heart attack victims, maybe even regenerate damaged spinal cords.("someday soon" is NOW,  adult stem cells are helping humans with arthritis, stroke, heart and spinal cords! BUT not in the US! - DM )

 Click here to read the whole article

Posted: 5/21/2008 5:16:09 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Stroke, Therapy, Treatment

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