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Adult Stem Cell Research Helps Parkinson's and Heart Failure Patients

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Balanced Article on Stem Cell Research

In a surprisingly balanced article on stem cell research from the mainstream media, Adult Stem Cells have helped at least two more patients- one for congestive heart failure and the other for Parkinson's disease.

In an article by Forbes Magazine, they took a fair look at stem cell treatments abroad. Yes, there is the obligatory quote from Irving "they won't work now- more research more research" Weismann. However, the author tries to show it from a patient's perspective.

Parkinson's Disease Treated With Adult Stem Cells

The first Parkinson's patient she featured was Carlene Victor, who traveled to the Xcell Center in Germany. Carlene suffering from Parkinson's for 7 years says " I am not waiting for the FDA to rule to get treatments," She went to Germany 5 months ago to get stem cell treatment for her Parkinsons. The results???

Victor is underwhelmed by her improvement. While she says she has more control over her feet, and the pain in her stomach that made it hard to sit has abated
, her walking has not improved, her right arm still shakes, her wrist hurts continuously and her right foot still tends to numb up.

What if Adult Stem Cell Treatment was Available in the USA

So in this case, all of you can't accuse Don Margolis of only focusing on the success stories. However, let's take a closer look at this. What if the FDA wasn't slowing down progress and made adult stem cell treatment available in the United States. Victor did improve a little bit. Therefore, if the treatment center wasn't half way across world and cost prohibitive, and her own Adult Stem Cells were available for use in the United States- she could get another treatment here and then probably get a little more improvement with a second treatment and then even more with a third-- why not? They are her own cells, her own repair kit- there is no downside to putting them in, just some discomfort. And the FDA isn't allowing you to use your own stem cells thus making people like her suffer and "wait until the 10 years of clinical trials are done" which haven't started for Parkinson's by the way.

Parkinson's Patient Improved With Adult Stem Cells- Michael J Fox Pay Attention

There was another Parkinson's patient who went to the same stem cell treatment center as Victor and at the same time. His name was Aubra Phillips, 50, who had suffered from Parkinson's for 22 years. The Adult Stem Cells worked for him!

From the stem cell article: he's "60% to 70% better" than he was. He used to drag his legs and have trouble mustering the strength to sign credit card bills; post stem-cell treatment, he can jog and take notes. His stutter is gone too. Says Phillips, "If I can improve the quality of my life for what I have left to live, that is all I am after."

Stem Cell Research for Congestive Heart Failure

Lastly, the article takes a look at Andy Jordan, who was in congestive heart failure. He came to Bangkok for stem cell treatment with Vescell. Before the "Vescell stem cell treatment", Andy had an ejection fraction of 19%. After-- his ejection fraction was 30-35%-- even his doctor was impressed!

All of that included in just one mainstream media article on stem cell research. Maybe things are changing? I sincerely hope so. There are a lot of patients who can be helped right now with Adult Stem Cells!
Posted: 5/22/2009 5:00:50 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Congestive Heart Failure, Parkinson, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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