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Stem Cell Therapy for Motor Neurone Disease!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Just last week, I brought you the story of a young boy, Karol LaBarrie, who was cured of his Sickle Cell Anemia by using Adult Stem Cells taken from the cord blood of his younger brother. And this week, I am happy to bring you a similar story.

Michael Emms, a young man from Wales, had been living a perfectly normal life. Suddenly, without warning at the age of 21, Michael was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. Michael was believed to be one of the youngest ever to be stricken with this disease.

Some of you may also know that it is the same disease that the famous physics genius, Stephen Hawking is afflicted with.

Luckily, Michael's parents were going to have another child, and decided to save the umbilical cord blood stem cells and use them on Michael.

Fortunately, all went according to plan.  Rhys Emms was born, the cord blood stem cells were saved and frozen.  Then, Michael and the stem cells were flown to China where there were experienced stem cell doctors who were willing to implant the matching stem cells into Michael.

The doctors said without the stem cell treatment, Michael would have likely died in March of 2008.  But look now, it is November 2008 and things have changed thanks to the adult stem cells:

And even though it took half a year to notice any change in his condition, amazingly Michael's muscles started to grow back.

“It paid off because the treatment in China went very well, Julian said. “He is nothing like what he was before. There has been no deterioration over the last year.

“Over there we didn't see a marked change. But during the following three to six months there was muscle growth. His shoulder had more definition and the muscle was coming back. He still has to be aided to walk, but he's not wheelchair-bound anymore.

Click here to see this wonderful stem cell story still in progress.
Posted: 11/17/2008 5:05:10 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Anemia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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