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Hearing Loss Turns Into Hearing Gain From New Stem Cell Research And Treatment

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Hearing Loss Improved By Adult Stem Cells

Chloe Sohl, an 18 year old music student at the University of Arizona is reporting that her hearing loss has improved in both ears after her adult stem cell treatment.  The left ear improved 50% from being totally deaf and the right ear has regained almost all of her hearing back.

New Stem Cell Research Company In Town -RNL Bio

RNL Bio, a fairly new stem cell research company which has facilities in Seoul, South Korea, Los Angeles and Germantown, Maryland was responsible for this stem cell success story.  We covered RNL Bio before when they treated famous artist John Lawson Cullison Jr as seen in this stem cell video for his arthritis

Now, they have released this new lengthy stem cell news story:

Chloe Sohl, an 18-year old college student who majors in music at University of Arizona was suffering from autoimmune hearing loss since the age of 15. Although there is no known cause of her diagnosis, it is a serious disease that slowly damages the organs. Chloe's father, Dr. Bertram Sohl is a director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. Mary's Medical Center in Long Beach, California and her mother, Dr. Veronique Jotterand is an ophthalmologist and Vice Chief of Staff at Miller Children's Hospital in Long Beach, California. Even though Chloe's parents are medical doctors, they felt helpless and
devastated about their daughter's progressive condition.
They tried every possible medication, but Chloe's condition got worse. The only options they had were for Chloe to use a hearing aid and for her to take medication to slow down her autoimmune system.

Ever since Dr. Sohl met Dr. Jeong Chan Ra, CEO of the firm, they began to see hope in Chloe's hearing. Dr. Ra established RNL Life Science in California to promote stem cell banking and to introduce the benefit of stem cell therapy through medical tourism. He held a seminar on April 20, 2009 with 30 doctors from Southern California on the topic of adult stem cell therapy in San Pedro, California. Among the attendees was Dr. Sohl, who was stunned at RNL BIO's achievements in stem cell therapeutics that was able to improve various conditions by stem cell treatment.

Update- Stem Cell Video For Hearing Loss

Jin Hong, the managing director for RNL Bio wrote us and brought attention to this fantastic stem cell video featuring Chloe and how her parents who are both doctors came around and tried the stem cell therapy that has improved Chloe's quality of life:

Principle of Stem Cell Therapy Explained

The principle of adult stem cell therapy is actually simple because it utilizes the natural healing ability of our own body. "Every part of our body already contains stem cells that play a key role in maintaining and repairing our own structural and functional system. Due to aging, the amount of stem cells decrease and that's why the time and ability to recover from cellular damage slow down and chronic and degenerative symptoms develop as time goes by. The principle of our stem cell treatment is to make enough amount of stem cells and to bring them back to the patient's own body. Surprisingly, we found that stem cell therapy has great potential to treat autoimmune diseases," explained Dr. Ra.

Process of Stem Cells

  1. Chloe visited Dr. Won, a plastic surgeon in Los Angeles to harvest her fat tissue around her belly button in last June.
  2. Then the tissue was sent to the laboratory RNL BIO in Germantown, Maryland, where they isolated stem cells, put them in liquid nitrogen shipper and transported them to RNL BIO in Seoul, Korea.
  3. In Seoul, it took them a month to expand her stem cells to a sufficient amount enough to treat her hearing loss. Chloe's family planned a trip to Korea during their summer vacation. At last, on July 27, 2009, they visited Korea for two weeks.
  4. The stem cell treatment took place in Japan -- 600 million cells were administered by three injections with 5 day intervals. The cells were injected into her veins and auditory system. Chloe's hearing was tested two months after the procedure was completed on October 16, 2009. The results were spectacular. The left side of her ear improved 50% from not being able to hear at all. The right side of her ear gained almost complete hearing.
Wonderful!  Spectacular!  And the fact that Chloe's parents are both prominent doctors (and they agreed to the treatment) makes it even more of a miracle.  Maybe the tide is shifting and the medical establishment is finally accepting that adult stem cells will NOT harm, but will only help as they did with Chloe's hearing loss.
Posted: 11/4/2009 11:00:25 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Autoimmune, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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