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Animals Benefiting from Breakthrough Stem Cell Therapy

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LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - In-house stem cell therapy - another medical first for Kentucky. The first in-house stem cell processing system is being used to treat animals here in Kentucky and humans could soon benefit.
The company that developed this breakthrough technology is headquartered in Nicholasville, Kentucky. And so far the results of the therapy are impressive.
Getting stem cells from your own fat used to require waiting weeks for the cells to be processed, until now.
Cooper, a 7-year-old Golden Retriever, had a torn ACL in both sides of his hinds - or knees.
He had fat-derived stem cell therapy at the Finchville animal clinic several weeks ago. Fat was removed from his side, and his own stem cells extracted from the fat. Then his own stem cells were injected into the damaged area to grow new tissue.
That's not new - what is new is the process that is used to extract the stem cells. A new high tech kit, that is used to process the cells on site, without having to send the tissue off to a lab for processing.
This technique saves more cells, is more affordable, and is showing an amazing outcome.
The Adipose Stem Cell Processing kit is made by a company whose national headquarters is in Nicholasville, Kentucky. Jeremy Delk is the managing director of Medivet.
"What we've done is developed the world's first in house stem cell procedure kit - it allows veterinarians to do this procedure in house on the same day," said Delk.
The process is working so well in dogs, that vets are now using it in horses.
And in the near future, medical doctors could use it to treat humans.
Dr. Cathy White, the veterinarian at the Finchville Animal Clinic says she is pleased with how well the therapy is working on the first dog to undergo the procedure, and says it won't be long before the process is used in human therapy.
"What a wonderful thing to be able to know that in a few years, it's gonna be humans in a few years. Now people getting knee replacements, getting hip replacements, this is going to be the modality of the future. There's no questions about it.", says White.
Treating dogs won't hurt Pharma's profits. But treating humans will. Dr. White won't have any trouble giving her animals the best cutting edge treatments available, but she is a bit too optimistic about humans. 
Pharma controls the FDA and the entire medical system. Keeping stem cells which work (adult stem cells derived from the patient) out of that system is the future of the corrupt, profits-only medical system we all live in, NOT human treatments.
So when your doctor says "there is nothing we can do," for YOUR chronic disease, 90% of the time stem cells could help you, but he will tell you otherwise. And their profits will continue to soar. 
Our dogs and horses will continue to benefit from the very latest science while millions of heart and diabetes patients are sentenced to useless pills and an early grave.
Don Margolis, Chairman
Repair Stem Cell Institute
Posted: 11/8/2010 6:20:13 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Diabetes, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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