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Adult Stem Cells Used for Facelifts!

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Just when you thought there wasn't any new uses for adult stem cells- we get adult stem cell treatment for facelifts! We shouldn't be surprised. While this probably isn't as significant as adult stem cell therapy for heart disease or stem cell treatment for diabetes, it probably is important to many of you - yes, I'm talking to you Michael Jackson.

A doctor now does a natural facelift using adult stem cells and using no surgery AND since it involves no surgery, it is cheaper too. Read more:
The "Stem Cell Facelift" is a complete facial rejuvenation procedure without involving any surgery. The procedure, which Dr. Giampapa has been performing for the last 4 years, restores the youthful contour and shape of the face as well as skin tightness, and evens out color irregularities caused by the aging process and environmental sun exposure.

Although fat grafting to the face has been known and utilized for over a decade with a varying amount of success, this new approach, of transplanting "Adult Stem Cells" and fat from the lower abdominal area, and awakening them as well as the local stem cells within the face with specific stem cell growth factors, is a revolutionary technique to facial rejuvenation.

The patients treated have exhibited marked improvement not only in the underlying soft tissue contours of the face but the skin itself. These specific "Stem Cell Growth Factors" induce the skin and fatty layers to produce more of their own cells. The Factors stimulate or initiate "a signal" to both the local stem cells within the skin and fat as well as the transplanted adult stem cells from the lower abdomen to multiply and restore themselves.

According to Dr. Giampapa, fat cells, in particular the Adult Stem Cells, are now known to be a source for producing other "hormone-like" substances to enhance both skin quality and the underlying subcutaneous-fatty tissues of the cheeks, the mid face and the skin in general. The result is a longterm marked improvement that enhances both skin quality as well as the underlying youthful contours of the face.

The procedure is accomplished under local anesthesia in about an hour in the office setting. This approach, says Giampapa, is exactly what most patients are looking for -- a procedure that avoids the need for a hospital trip and general anesthesia. Recovery time takes about a week, when the face looks slightly swollen and a little pink in color. At the end of this time, light powder and makeup is easily applied, and the results document an extremely natural, full-rested facial contour.

Amazing. Since it is using the patient's customer's own adult stem cells, there almost certainly won't be any side effects. In effect, it is a natural facelift- no surgery, no anesthesia, no danger, cheaper and although I know very little about it, I'm guessing it looks more natural than surgery when all is said and done.

Posted: 10/20/2008 5:36:46 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Diabetes, Facial Rejuvenation, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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