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Family Goes To China for Stem Cell Treatment

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Another family must go from the United States all the way to China for stem cell treatment. This time it involves 18 month old Luke Pickett, suffering from cerebral palsy. What is especially nice in this story is how the Pickett family raised the $30,000 needed to go to China to help their son:

Since May, the Picketts have been raising money for the travel and transplant expenses to get to China, which will cost about $30,000. After six events, including a golf tournament, a silent auction and a 5K run, family, friends and the community have raised enough money to meet the financial demands of the procedure. They've also given emotional support to the family by offering prayers and sending cards that have stacked up on the Picketts' countertop.

Cheryl Pickett talked about the help her family has received, "The response has been overwhelming. I never thought we'd raise $30,000," the stay-at-home mom said with tears. "You always hear about the economy. We're hurting, too. We're a single-income family, and people who have never met us are sending money."

The Picketts said they chose China over other countries that offer the procedure such as Costa Rica because they heard positive outcomes from other parents on online support groups. Although they were told by their doctors there is no definitive evidence that the treatment works and by Beike Biotech that the company offers no guarantees, the stories of other parents seeing improvements in their children is enough reason to take a chance.

Well, as I have documented in this blog, we have seen many successful stem cell treatment stories coming out of Beike Biotech in China- I wish the Picketts all the best.

A side note- after this article on the Picketts was published, Luke's Aunt sent in this comment-

Thank you for publishing such an educational and touching story. I am Luke's aunt from Ohio, and this is
definately a current issue that needs to be
discussed and people need to learn more about, I know
our family has. It's also something our government needs
to be discussing and helping with so families can stay here and receive the assistance they need.

Thank you again
Cathy Haumesser

Yes, I agree Cathy, the technology (adult stem cells) is available NOW! Why aren't we using it to help patients NOW?????
Posted: 10/22/2008 5:32:07 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cerebral Palsy, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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