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Stem Cell Transplant Survivors Get Together And Celebrate Life!

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It's a celebration! Everyone around the world come on! Over the weekend, in the Atlanta area, 200 stem cell transplant recipients and some of their stem cell donors met at a big party to celebrate life.

Just the fact that these people were able to attend this function was a miracle in itself and most of them were on death's door and would not be alive except for the fact that they each had an unselfish bone marrow donor giving them the stem cells that would save their life:

In 2001, Troy Ford was on death's door with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a form of cancer.

In three weeks, he's competing in an Ironman triathlon.

Ford, now 39 and cancer free, got a life-saving bone marrow transplant at Northside Hospital, making him one of about 150 people yearly who endure the lengthy and painful procedure at the north Fulton County hospital.

“Seeing all these people is great, Ford said Saturday as he joined about 200 bone marrow recipients at a gala luncheon Northside threw to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of its Blood and Marrow Transplant Program.

“This is truly awesome, said Thomas Burt, 62, of Dawsonville, who was diagnosed with myofibrosis in 2005 and got a bone marrow transplant the following year. Last summer, Burt and his wife, Laura, drove to Ocala, Fla., to meet his donor, Michelle Pearson. She sat next to the Burts at Saturday's lunch, at which attendees dined on grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and grilled mixed vegetables.

“This is wonderful. It's really a great event, said Pearson, who keeps tabs on Burt every few weeks through e-mails and phone calls. “He's my blood brother.

On the way home Saturday evening, Ford's mind wandered back to the half-dozen doctors who attended the event.

“What these guys are doing, that's the real story, he said. “They're not curing colds. They're saving lives.

What are you waiting for? Go to www.marrow.org now and register and perhaps save a life. It could really help someone in desperate need and may be the nicest gift you can ever give someone- the gift of life.

Click here to see the whole happy article
Posted: 10/13/2008 4:10:18 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cancer, Lymphoma, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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