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Successful Stem Cell Treatment for Parkinson's Disease!

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While Newsweek is blaring to the world that stem cells probably won't be helping Parkinson's Disease, much more quietly, to a much infinitely smaller audience, the Star Bulletin in Honolulu is following up on the first known American to be treated successfully for Parkinson's using adult stem cell therapy.  That is what we are up against in trying to make this stem cell therapy available/known everywhere to everyone.

Well, the first known American to be successfully treated with adult stem cell treatment for Parkinsons is Penny Thomas, approximately 2 years ago, in where else?  Yes, China:

Penny Thomas of Captain Cook said people from all over the world have contacted her since the Star-Bulletin published reports of her stem cell surgery in Beijing two years ago.

"I've had people come to visit me here to see if I'm for real," said the Big Island woman, who has been living the past year with her daughter, Cheyenne, in Pagosa Springs, Colo.

After hearing about the successful treatment with 3 million stem cells from a donor's retina deposited in her brain in May 2006, others followed her to the Tiantan Puhua Neurosurgical Hospital, she said. "I don't know what the numbers are up to now."

She said she is "doing quite well" and is active backpacking, camping, gathering wood for winter and riding her two horses. She is looking forward to snow for cross-country skiing.

Thomas, 55, takes about one-fourth of a tablet of Sinemet, used to increase dopamine levels in the brain, and amino acids five to six times a day "to remain strong and tremor-free." She also takes an herb known as macuna pruriens which makes dopamine naturally, and has found that curcumin (turmeric) is a great help. It acts as an anti-inflammatory for the nervous system, as well as other parts of the body, she said.

"I'm really happy with my life because I have a life now," she said. "I feel I can participate in life, and I'm grateful that I've replaced pretty much all the prescription drugs with herbs and amino acids, which I believe the body can handle much better."

Wouldn't this be a great story to see in the New York Times?  International Herald Tribune?  A press release from the Michael J Fox foundation?  Where is the coverage?  Sadly, the coverage seems to consist only of me and the Star Bulletin. I take off my hat to them for following up on this wonderful story.

See the full story here-

Posted: 10/27/2008 10:54:39 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Brain, Parkinson, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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