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Autism Treatment - Stem Cell Research Results

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Xcell Announces Stem Cell Research Results for Autism

A stem cell center in Germany has released its research results on patients treated with their own stem cells for autism.  The Xcell Center in Germany has treated its first 10 autism patients with successful results using the patient's own adult stem cells.

Behavior Improvements in Children With Autism

Xcell says in their stem cell news press release-  "Patients reported improvements in cognition, behavior, language, socialization, coordination, motor skills and awareness. These results support the premise that patients with Autism can be treated safely and effectively with autologous stem cell therapy."
"My son's behavior has improved; playing for an hour at a time, running, climbing, and exploring the playground as a normal, healthy child would," commented the mother of a 6 year-old boy who was treated at the XCell-Center in May 2009.

Better behavior was reported by every patient who experienced improvements following treatment.

Stem Cell THERAPY - "Quick And Not Invasive

In a letter written February 2009, "A letter to President Obama", Judy DiCorcia, the mother of 10 year-old Lauren, who was treated at the XCell-Center in January, described the strides her daughter made following stem cell therapy and expressed her desire to see similar procedures available in the United States. "Both procedures were quick and not invasive at all. In the past 6 weeks we have seen significant improvements in our daughter's behaviors, focus, hyperactivity, and insomnia," wrote Mrs. DiCorcia. In June 2009, she stated, "Lauren is doing well. I would have to say that she 'plateaued' at about the 12-week mark. Her situation is stable and fortunately all positive effects have persisted. I wish the doctor could fly to the US and perform the therapy here!"


Stem Cell Procedure

  1. The treatment begins by collecting a small amount bone marrow from the patient's hip via thin needle mini-puncture.
  2. The stem cells are separated from the bone marrow at the XCell-Center's EU certified cGMP laboratory, where they are counted and their vitality is confirmed.
  3. The last step consists of inserting a fine spinal needle between the patient's L4 and L5 vertebrae and injecting the stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid which flows into the brain.

How Much Is Stem Cell Treatment

The cost for Autism treatment is 9,000 Euros (approximately 13,130 US dollars). 

Looking For Treatment for Autism or Another Disease?

If you are interested in autism treatment at the Xcell Center or if you or a loved one has a different condition and are looking for ADULT stem cell treatment, please write me an email at don@repairstemcells.org and put TREATMENT in the subject line and I will try to assist you. 

Posted: 10/2/2009 10:43:49 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Autism, Bone, Brain, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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