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From New Zealand to Mexico A Second Time For Stem Cell Therapy

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From Mexico to New Zealand for Stem Cell Treatment

A family from New Zealand is taking their two children back to Mexico a second time for stem cell therapy after the first treatment helped both of the two kids. Ross and Bernadette Martin took their 4 year old grandson, Sam and their 2 year old adopted son, Liam,  to Mexico in February 2009 for adult stem cells that improved Sam's cerebral palsy and Liam's septo optic dysplasia

Before and After Results

Before the first stem cell treatment, Liam had to stay in the hospital for months at a time having to be fed by IV because of low sugar levels due to complication from his septo optic dysplasia.  He also had no vision.

Now, after the stem cells were implanted, Liam has only had to return to the hospital once and now has slight vision and can perceive light. 

As for Sam and his cerebral palsy, he improved as well from the therapy. Before the treatment and research, he was unable to walk. These days Sam is getting around using a walker and has developed some speech as well.

Trying To Raise Funds For Second Stem Cell Transplant

Now, this courageous family is trying to raise money to go back a second time for more adult stem cells at the stem cell clinic in Mexico.  "If we can't raise the money we'll look at selling our house because we think they have made such progress so far," Ross Martin said. "It's the boys' quality of life that we are really trying to improve, and we can't put a value on that."

No Risk From Adult Stem Cells

From the stem cell article:

Each vial of stem cells taken from donated umbilical cord blood costs US$5000 (NZ$7075) and is injected into the brain through a catheter inserted through the groin.

"There's virtually no risk in doing it, but the risk in not doing it is waking up at 65 and wondering if you had tried, would it have made a difference?" Bernadette Martin said.

Again, these are adult stem cells and in the hands of experienced professional doctors, this stem cell procedure and research is very safe.  The main risk is the money ie. either the stem cell procedure will help improve the quality of life of the patient or it simply will have no effect. This only goes for cord blood stem cells and autologous stem cells (stem cells from the patient)- this doesn't apply to embryonic stem cells or fetal stem cells.

We previously had stories from this stem cell treatment center in Mexico on two women with Multiple Sclerosis who came from New Jersey for the therapy.

If you or a family member are interested in this research and treatment in Mexico using adult stem cells, please write me at don@repairstemcells.org and put TREATMENT in the subject box and I will assist you.

Posted: 10/2/2009 1:14:51 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Brain, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Optic, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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